How viruses from colds to Covid-19 trick us into spending more time socialising

Can viruses such as the one that causes Covid-19 attack our brains and change our behaviour — thereby prolonging an outbreak? That’s the suggestion from U.S. researchers who say that the coronavirus may be manipulating the behaviour of infected people, sometimes even before they show symptoms, so they become more sociable. In fact, such behaviour-changing … Read more

Sport fans return to stadiums after Covid-19 lockdown: All you need to know

Sports fans have received the news they have waited months for – stadiums will re-open from December 2 when the current Covid-19 lockdown in England is eased. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced that the country will return to the tier system of coronavirus restrictions early next month and sports venues in tiers one and … Read more

US COVID-19 cases could nearly double by Inauguration Day, study predicts

The number of U.S. coronavirus cases are set to nearly double, bringing the total number of infections to about 20 million by the time President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated on January 20, a new study suggests.  It comes as the Biden transition team and public health experts plead with the White House to allow the … Read more

One-third of parents say family gatherings for Thanksgiving is worth risk of contracting COVID-19

One in three parents believe the benefits of gathering family for Thanksgiving is worth the risk of contracting or spreading the novel coronavirus, a new poll finds. This is in spite of three-quarters of parents saying they typically have extended family members at their holiday dinners and 90 percent who said grandparents – who are … Read more

The true cost of Covid-19: Read RUTH SUNDERLAND’s terrifying dossier of the full economic damage

They are the figures that should give any government pause for thought — a terrifying reflection of the catastrophic effect on the economy of the pandemic. This Mail analysis of the financial cost of the virus — to jobs, the economy, businesses and the public finances — could not be more sobering. It follows our … Read more

Department of Health in climbdown after online swipe at The Mail’s analysis of Covid-19 facts

The Health Department was forced into a humiliating climbdown yesterday after accusing the Mail of ‘misleading’ readers. On Saturday we published a two-page analysis raising multiple questions about ministers’ handling of the pandemic and their use of data to justify draconian lockdown rules. We pointed out that Government predictions on potential fatalities were wildly inaccurate … Read more

Department of Health in climbdown after online swipe at The Mail’s analysis of Covid-19 facts

The Health Department was forced into a humiliating climbdown yesterday after accusing the Mail of ‘misleading’ readers. On Saturday we published a two-page analysis raising multiple questions about ministers’ handling of the pandemic and their use of data to justify draconian lockdown rules. We pointed out that Government predictions on potential fatalities were wildly inaccurate … Read more

The true cost of Covid-19: Read RUTH SUNDERLAND’s terrifying dossier of the full economic damage

They are the figures that should give any government pause for thought — a terrifying reflection of the catastrophic effect on the economy of the pandemic. This Mail analysis of the financial cost of the virus — to jobs, the economy, businesses and the public finances — could not be more sobering. It follows our … Read more