Satellite images show China has built a village with 100 homes in disputed Indian territory

China has built a 100-home village in disputed Indian territory that Beijing claims is theirs amid rising tensions between the two countries.  Satellite images dated 1 November 2020 show a development of 101 homes in the northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh at a location 2.8 miles inside Indian territory. Images from just over a year … Read more

Indian forces detain Chinese soldier on disputed Himalayan border

Indian forces have detained a Chinese soldier on a disputed Himalayan border where the two nations fought a deadly battle last year, the military said today. The arrest marks the second detention on the high altitude border since their deadliest confrontation in decades broke out in June, in which at least 20 Indian soldiers were killed.  The face-off … Read more

Indian forces detain Chinese soldier on disputed Himalayan border

Indian forces have detained a Chinese soldier on a disputed Himalayan border where the two nations fought a deadly battle last year, the military said today. The arrest marks the second detention on the high altitude border since their deadliest confrontation in decades broke out in June, in which at least 20 Indian soldiers were killed.  The face-off … Read more

Satellite images show China has built a village in disputed Himalayan region

Satellite images have revealed how China has built a village and military storage bunkers in a Himalayan region along a disputed border with India.  US-based satellite operator Maxar Technologies, who photographed the series of aerial images, said they show ‘significant construction activity’ throughout 2020.  The operator charted the building works along the Torsa River Valley … Read more

Satellite images show China has built a village in disputed Himalayan region

Satellite images show China has built a village and military storage bunkers in Himalayan region along disputed border with India Maxar Technologies took aerial pictures of building activity in disputed areas  Building is taking place along the Doklam , which borders China, India & Bhutan Thin strip of land is claimed by China and Bhutan … Read more

China and India ‘both fire shots’ along disputed border

India and China have accused each other of ‘firing shots’ along the tense disputed border after India yesterday accused Beijing troops of kidnapping Indian civilians. Both have accused each other of being the first to fire in the air during a new confrontation on their border in the western Himalayas, in a further escalation of … Read more

Turkish President Recep Erdogan warns Greece to enter talks over disputed Mediterranean territory

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned Greece to enter talks over disputed eastern Mediterranean territorial claims or face the consequences.  At a hospital’s opening ceremony in Istanbul, he said: ‘They’re either going to understand the language of politics and diplomacy, or in the field with painful experiences.’  Ankara is currently facing off against Greece … Read more