Britain’s testing fiasco leaves doctors and nurses unable to get checked

Britain’s Covid-19 testing fiasco has left doctors and nurses unable to work because they can’t get checked for the illness, preventing the NHS getting back to normal. NHS staff are having to leave the frontline to self-isolate because they or family members cannot book a test. NHS Providers says that if the shortage is not … Read more

Some doctors are still prescribing antibiotics that can leave patients with crippling side-effects

After being prescribed antibiotics for a suspected urinary tract infection (UTI), Adam Sawczuk was expecting to bounce back to health within days. He’d had stabbing pain and a dull ache in his groin for more than a week. ‘My GP decided to prescribe stronger fluoroquinolone antibiotics [called ofloxacin] after a seven-day course of a milder … Read more

Doctors should not call overweight patients ‘chubby’ or ‘plus-size’ because it upsets them

Doctors should not call overweight patients ‘chubby’ or ‘plus-size’ because it upsets them and people should choose how medics refer to their weight, scientists say ‘Chubby’, ‘fat’ and ‘super obese’ were particularly offensive terms, people said A survey of 3,000 adults found patients wanted to choose how to refer to weight Healthcare professionals ‘should be … Read more

Now doctors could STRIKE over pay amid public sympathy for NHS workers

Now doctors could STRIKE over pay amid public sympathy for NHS workers following the coronavirus crisis The average GP partner earns £113,000, according to figures from NHS Digital Last month the Government announced a 2.8 per cent pay rise for doctors Despite that they say years of smaller pay rises mean they are underpaid  Plans … Read more

Now doctors could STRIKE over pay amid public sympathy for NHS workers

Now doctors could STRIKE over pay amid public sympathy for NHS workers following the coronavirus crisis The average GP partner earns £113,000, according to figures from NHS Digital Last month the Government announced a 2.8 per cent pay rise for doctors Despite that they say years of smaller pay rises mean they are underpaid  Plans … Read more

Doctors to trial treatment for Covid-19 patients with diabetes

A ‘potentially life-saving’ treatment for coronavirus patients with diabetes will begin human trials in Britain this week. Doctors will test an AstraZeneca-made drug called AZD1656 to see if it can reduce the risk of serious illness or death for infected diabetics.  Patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes face up to three times the … Read more

Doctors remove world’s largest ovarian tumour weighing EIGHT STONE from 52-year-old woman in India

Doctors successfully remove world’s largest ovarian tumour which weighed EIGHT STONE from 52-year-old woman in India The patient had complained about her weight ballooning to almost 17 stone Her feet began to swell and one doctor said it was lucky her organs hadn’t failed  Surgery at the Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in Delhi lasted for three … Read more

Doctors remove world’s largest ovarian tumour weighing EIGHT STONE from 52-year-old woman in India

Doctors successfully remove world’s largest ovarian tumour which weighed EIGHT STONE from 52-year-old woman in India The patient had complained about her weight ballooning to almost 17 stone Her feet began to swell and one doctor said it was lucky her organs hadn’t failed  Surgery at the Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in Delhi lasted for three … Read more

We’ve been fobbed off by our male doctors too! More women speak out over agonising endometriosis

Stranded. Ashamed. Vulnerable. Like you’re going crazy. This is how it feels to hear your debilitating symptoms dismissed as ‘attention-seeking behaviour’, according to 41-year-old Alison O’Neil. In spring 2014, the local government worker developed a numbness in her feet. ‘One day I was walking around the office without my left shoe on and I didn’t … Read more