Grandmother, 92, dies with Covid-19 five days after her first vaccine dose

A great-grandmother who caught coronavirus five days after getting vaccinated against the disease has died. Mary Green, 92, received her first dose at a care home in North Tyneside on New Year’s Eve, giving her family hope she would not face an infection. But less than a week later the dementia-sufferer tested positive for the … Read more

Grandmother, 92, dies with Covid-19 five days after her first vaccine dose

A great-grandmother who caught coronavirus five days after getting vaccinated against the disease has died. Mary Green, 92, received her first dose at a care home in North Tyneside on New Year’s Eve, giving her family hope she would not face an infection. But less than a week later the dementia-sufferer tested positive for the … Read more

DEBORAH ROSS: A double dose of Keeley Hawes? I know which one I prefer… 

Finding Alice ITV, Sunday Rating: It’s A Sin Channel 4, Friday Rating: The opening episode of Finding Alice began with Alice (Keeley Hawes) being shown around her new home. That is, the multi-million-pound ‘smart’ house her husband Harry (Jason Merrells) has designed and built, although why she has never seen it before, not even while it … Read more

GP claims delaying second dose of Pfizer vaccine beyond three weeks is an ‘unlicensed trial’ 

GP claims delaying second dose of Pfizer vaccine beyond three weeks is an ‘unregulated and unlicensed trial’ Dr Rosie Shire, of Doctors’ Association UK, raised concerns over Pfizer delay  She called for information on immunity delivered if doses given 12 weeks apart Matt Hancock defended decision to delay doses as ‘essential’ to save more lives … Read more

GP claims delaying second dose of Pfizer vaccine beyond three weeks is an ‘unlicensed trial’ 

GP claims delaying second dose of Pfizer vaccine beyond three weeks is an ‘unregulated and unlicensed trial’ Dr Rosie Shire, of Doctors’ Association UK, raised concerns over Pfizer delay  She called for information on immunity delivered if doses given 12 weeks apart Matt Hancock defended decision to delay doses as ‘essential’ to save more lives … Read more

CDC now says second vaccine dose can be given up to SIX WEEKS apart

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has quietly updated its guidance on how late the second dose of a coronavirus vaccine can be administered after insisting it would not allow delays in shots. Currently, the two vaccines approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), one by Pfizer-BioNTech and the other by … Read more

Dr Fauci was ‘knocked out for 24 hours’ with side effects after second COVID-19 vaccine dose

Dr Anthony Fauci has admitted he was ‘knocked out’ for a full day by his second dose of COVID-19 vaccine.  ‘I was hoping that I wouldn’t get too knocked out. I did for about 24 hours. Now I’m fine,’ Dr Fauci said during a Thursday White House press briefing when asked if he’d had his … Read more

I fear ditching dose timetable could prove a costly mistake, writes expert PROFESSOR HERB SEWELL 

There is no doubt that it is an extraordinary achievement to have vaccinated so many people in such a short time. Almost five million have now had injections, and vaccines are certainly the way out of the pandemic crisis. But I firmly believe that they should be used as they were intended to be. And … Read more

One dose of Pfizer’s Covid shot half as effective as promised, doctor claims

The first dose of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine is less than half effective as some officials indicated, Israel’s top infectious disease doctor claims.    Dr Nachman Ash, one of the medics leading the Covid-19 response in Israel – which is leading the world in the race to vaccinate its population – said the first installment of the … Read more

Coronavirus: Israeli doctor claims Pfizer’s vaccine is less effective than expected after one dose

Israel’s top coronavirus medic has claimed the first dose of Pfizer ‘s Covid vaccine is less effective than he expected. Dr Nachman Ash, one of the medics leading the Covid-19 response in Israel, said the first instalment of the jab did not cut infection rates as much as he had hoped. He told local media … Read more