Covid hospital deaths drop by 8% as 229 new fatalities reported

The UK has recorded a further 12,155 coronavirus cases, marking a 34 per cent drop on last Sunday’s total. In a positive sign that England’s second nation-wide lockdown slowed the country’s spiraling infection rate, the number of positive tests recorded today shaves more than a third off the 18,662 reported this time last week. Official figures released … Read more

Covid hospital deaths drop by 8% as 229 new fatalities reported

A further 229 people have died in hospital after testing positive for coronavirus, according to the UK’s preliminary figures. The number marks an 8 per cent drop on the 250 hospital deaths reported last Saturday. Today’s death toll is set to be much higher when the all-settings figure – which covers deaths in hospitals, care homes … Read more

UK hospitals record 250 more Covid fatalities in highest Sunday death toll since beginning of May 

UK hospitals record 250 more Covid fatalities – up by 82 compared to last week – in highest Sunday death toll since beginning of May Coronavirus hospital death toll has seen the highest Sunday increase since May  Britain’s coronavirus hospital death toll has increased by 250, new figures say Last Sunday saw the toll increase … Read more

UK hospitals record 250 more Covid fatalities in highest Sunday death toll since beginning of May 

UK hospitals record 250 more Covid fatalities – up by 82 compared to last week – in highest Sunday death toll since beginning of May Coronavirus hospital death toll has seen the highest Sunday increase since May  Britain’s coronavirus hospital death toll has increased by 250, new figures say Last Sunday saw the toll increase … Read more

Liverpool, Leeds and Wigan are suffering the most fatalities in the second Covid-19 wave

Liverpool, Leeds and Wigan are suffering the most coronavirus deaths in the second wave, official data shows as the North West continues to battle the worst outbreak.   Forty-nine Covid victims were recorded in Liverpool in the seven-day spell ending October 30 — the worst week for deaths in England and Wales since June. Leeds and … Read more

Italy reaches a million Covid cases as it sees another increase in deaths with 623 new fatalities

Italy has reached a million coronavirus cases today as it sees another increase in Covid-19 deaths with 623 new fatalities. The health ministry recorded 32,961 new infections in the past 24 hours, taking its total tally since the virus first struck in February to 1.028million. The daily tally was down from the 35,098 cases reported … Read more

Drug-related deaths in England and Wales reach record high with cocaine fatalities rising ONS says

Huge leap in number of women killed by cocaine: Deaths from the drug are up sevenfold in 10 years, new figures reveal 2019 had the highest number of drug-related deaths in the past 25 years The drug-related death rate for women increased for the 10th year in a row Generation X, had the highest death … Read more

Study of ‘excess deaths’ finds there may be another 75,000 unconfirmed COVID-19 fatalities 

US coronavirus death toll may be undercounted by as much as 36%: Study of ‘excess deaths’ finds there may be another 75,000 unconfirmed COVID-19 fatalities Researchers looked at the number of ‘excess’ deaths between February and September compared to years prior An analysis of more than 1,000 counties revealed at least 183,000 deaths with COVID-19 … Read more

UN chief warns ‘there is no end in sight’ to Covid as global fatalities hits ‘mind-numbing’ 1m

The head of the UN has warned ‘there is no end in sight’ to coronavirus after the number of global fatalities hit the ‘mind-numbing’ level of one million. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called it ‘an agonising milestone,’ in a statement released after the world – with more than 33 million cases – reached a million … Read more

Coronavirus UK: 10 new fatalities in daily preliminary death toll

Britain today recorded 4,044 more cases of coronavirus as official figures revealed the daily average number of infections has dropped for the first time in a fortnight. Government data shows 5,770 people are now testing positive for Covid-19 each day, down from 5,816 yesterday — a figure that had risen every day since falling slightly … Read more