Dr Fauci says it’s ‘possible’ CDC will recommend that Americans wear TWO masks

The nation’s top infectious disease expert says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may recommend wearing two masks. Dr Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has endorsed the use of two masks, also known as double-making, in the past – particularly a cloth mask and then … Read more

Dr Fauci was ‘knocked out for 24 hours’ with side effects after second COVID-19 vaccine dose

Dr Anthony Fauci has admitted he was ‘knocked out’ for a full day by his second dose of COVID-19 vaccine.  ‘I was hoping that I wouldn’t get too knocked out. I did for about 24 hours. Now I’m fine,’ Dr Fauci said during a Thursday White House press briefing when asked if he’d had his … Read more

Fauci unloads on Trump saying you didn’t feel you could talk and ‘there wouldn’t be repercussions’

A liberated Dr. Anthony Fauci made it clear Thursday he’s happy to be working for President Joe Biden, taking a few pot shots at what it was like operating under Donald Trump.  Fauci appeared in the White House press briefing room for the first time since this spring and revealed his true feelings on Trump. … Read more

Fauci unloads on Trump saying you didn’t feel you could talk and ‘there wouldn’t be repercussions’

A liberated Dr. Anthony Fauci made it clear Thursday he’s happy to be working for President Joe Biden, taking a few pot shots at what it was like operating under Donald Trump.  Fauci appeared in the White House press briefing room for the first time since this spring and revealed his true feelings on Trump. … Read more

Dr Fauci warns South African covid is ‘a little more concerning’

Dr Anthony Fauci warned that the South African ‘super-covid’ variant is the one he and health experts around the world are most worried about because it might make vaccines less effective.  The South African variant is ‘a little bit more concerning but not something that we don’t think we can handle,’ Dr Fauci said.  He … Read more

Dr Fauci warns there is a ‘possibility’ the US has its own super-covid

Dr Anthony Fauci said it is a ‘possibility’ that a homegrown variant of the coronavirus is fueling a spike in cases across the U.S. The nation’s top infectious disease expert said the rise in cases in America looks similar to the rise in the U.K., where the new strain was first detected  ‘It could be – … Read more

Dr Fauci warns there is a ‘possibility’ the US has its own super-covid

Dr Anthony Fauci said it is a ‘possibility’ that a homegrown variant of the coronavirus is fueling a spike in cases across the U.S. The nation’s top infectious disease expert said the rise in cases in America looks similar to the rise in the U.K., where the new strain was first detected  ‘It could be – … Read more

Dr. Fauci says January coronavirus death toll could be far worse than December

The US coronavirus death toll in January could far surpass that of December, Dr Anthony Fauci warned on Tuesday after the nation posted a new record for hospitalizations with more than 121,000.  Speaking to CNN, Fauci predicted that Americans’ failure to heed experts’ advice against travel and gatherings over the Christmas holiday will have dire … Read more

Dr Fauci gets his Moderna vaccine and says Americans WILL get theirs in the summer

Dr Fauci gave an enthusiastic thumbs up after getting his Moderna vaccine on Tuesday along with HHS Secretary Alex Azar at the NIH in Bethesda, Maryland and eight people who work there after giving the somber prediction that the vast majority of Americans won’t be vaccinated until July. Before getting his vaccine, Fauci said it was … Read more

Dr Fauci gets his Moderna vaccine and says Americans WILL get theirs in the summer

Dr Fauci gave an enthusiastic thumbs up after getting his Moderna vaccine on Tuesday along with HHS Secretary Alex Azar at the NIH in Bethesda, Maryland and eight people who work there.   Before getting his vaccine, Fauci said it was an ‘honor’ and that the vaccine was a ‘symbol’ of hope for the country and the … Read more