EU law on insuring ride-on mowers, golf buggies and mobility scooters is chopped due to Brexit

‘Insane’ EU law that requires ride-on lawn mowers, golf buggies and mobility scooters to be insured is axed as ministers hail new Brexit dividend New Brexit dividend has meant the government is scrapping an ‘insane’ EU rule The judgement passed by the ECJ requires mobility scooters to be insured  PM previously called the new rules … Read more

EU law on insuring ride-on mowers, golf buggies and mobility scooters is chopped due to Brexit

‘Insane’ EU law that requires ride-on lawn mowers, golf buggies and mobility scooters to be insured is axed as ministers hail new Brexit dividend New Brexit dividend has meant the government is scrapping an ‘insane’ EU rule The judgement passed by the ECJ requires mobility scooters to be insured  PM previously called the new rules … Read more

Travel firms join forces and urge Boris Johnson to allow foreign breaks by May

Boris Johnson will come under pressure today from a newly-formed action group demanding that international travel resumes from May 1. It comes amid claims that the Government has in effect declared war on the travel industry with its advice that no one should book a holiday either in Britain or overseas. The new group, called … Read more

Travel firms join forces and urge Boris Johnson to allow foreign breaks by May

Boris Johnson will come under pressure today from a newly-formed action group demanding that international travel resumes from May 1. It comes amid claims that the Government has in effect declared war on the travel industry with its advice that no one should book a holiday either in Britain or overseas. The new group, called … Read more

Boris Johnson prepares lockdown loosening with pubs ‘back in April’

Boris Johnson is set to order the reopening of all schools from March 8 with picnics in the park back on the agenda and ‘al fresco’ meet-ups in pubs allowed from April, it was claimed today. The PM is preparing a loosening of the draconian coronavirus restrictions on everyday life amid massive pressure from Tory … Read more

Boris Johnson prepares lockdown loosening with pubs ‘back in April’

Boris Johnson is set to order the reopening of all schools from March 8 with picnics in the park back on the agenda and ‘al fresco’ meet-ups in pubs allowed from April, it was claimed today. The PM is preparing a loosening of the draconian coronavirus restrictions on everyday life amid massive pressure from Tory … Read more

Top Tory Sir Charles Walker warns Matt Hancock ‘Boris should sack you’ if he makes another gaffe

The simmering Tory tensions over lockdown came to a head in spectacular fashion last week when venerable backbencher Sir Charles Walker encountered Health Secretary Matt Hancock in the Commons. Sir Charles passionately believes that measures to limit the spread of the virus risk causing more harm than they prevent, particularly in terms of mental health; … Read more

Top Tory Sir Charles Walker warns Matt Hancock ‘Boris should sack you’ if he makes another gaffe

The simmering Tory tensions over lockdown came to a head in spectacular fashion last week when venerable backbencher Sir Charles Walker encountered Health Secretary Matt Hancock in the Commons. Sir Charles passionately believes that measures to limit the spread of the virus risk causing more harm than they prevent, particularly in terms of mental health; … Read more

Digital travel vaccine certificates backed by Cabinet ministers and could be used by March

Cabinet ministers have backed the use of vaccine certificates for travellers wanting to head abroad this year. The certificates will verify Covid inoculations and will be developed by the government, following the likes of Greece, Spain, Poland, Iceland and Portugal to commit to similar schemes. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps will head up the programme which … Read more

Digital travel vaccine certificates backed by Cabinet ministers and could be used by March

Cabinet ministers have backed the use of vaccine certificates for travellers wanting to head abroad this year. The certificates will verify Covid inoculations and will be developed by the government, following the likes of Greece, Spain, Poland, Iceland and Portugal to commit to similar schemes. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps will head up the programme which … Read more