JOHN NAISH: Sadiq Khan’s dopiest idea yet on cannabis legalisation

The pungent smell of cannabis on Britain’s streets and in its parks is hard to escape. People openly smoke and share joints, or even deal it, safe in the knowledge they are unlikely to be apprehended, let alone punished. Yet cannabis is a class B drug and possessing or selling products that contain THC — … Read more

JOHN NAISH: So-called World Health chiefs have become lickspittle witnesses in a Chinese charade

The pandemic didn’t begin in a Chinese laboratory. Nor did it start in Wuhan. Nor indeed, in all probability, did it start in China at all. If the Chinese were hoping to be exonerated from blame over the origins of the coronavirus that has caused nearly 2.5 million deaths worldwide, they could not have wished … Read more

JOHN NAISH: So-called World Health chiefs have become lickspittle witnesses in a Chinese charade

The pandemic didn’t begin in a Chinese laboratory. Nor did it start in Wuhan. Nor indeed, in all probability, did it start in China at all. If the Chinese were hoping to be exonerated from blame over the origins of the coronavirus that has caused nearly 2.5 million deaths worldwide, they could not have wished … Read more

JOHN NAISH: We face a life or death game against the mutant viruses

Just when we thought we were about to defeat Covid-19 by launching our Oxford vaccine, an alarming strain of the virus has emerged to strike fear into the ministers and experts fighting the pandemic. Health Secretary Matt Hancock admitted yesterday that he is ‘incredibly worried’ about the fast-spreading mutant strain that has emerged in South … Read more

JOHN NAISH: We face a life or death game against the mutant viruses

Just when we thought we were about to defeat Covid-19 by launching our Oxford vaccine, an alarming strain of the virus has emerged to strike fear into the ministers and experts fighting the pandemic. Health Secretary Matt Hancock admitted yesterday that he is ‘incredibly worried’ about the fast-spreading mutant strain that has emerged in South … Read more

Coronavirus UK: What is the secret behind herd immunity? JOHN NAISH investigates

What is the secret behind herd immunity? JOHN NAISH investigates claims that people spreading Covid is the most effective way to cut death toll By John Naish for the Daily Mail Published: 08:32 BST, 9 October 2020 | Updated: 06:35 BST, 10 October 2020 Forget everything you thought you knew about this pandemic.  If an … Read more

Coronavirus UK: What is the secret behind herd immunity? JOHN NAISH investigates

What is the secret behind herd immunity? JOHN NAISH investigates claims that people spreading Covid is the most effective way to cut death toll By John Naish for the Daily Mail Published: 08:32 BST, 9 October 2020 | Updated: 06:35 BST, 10 October 2020 Forget everything you thought you knew about this pandemic.  If an … Read more

JOHN NAISH: Why the UK’s deadliest coronavirus threat is now complacency

Are we already starting to suffer a second wave of Covid-19 before the first wave has even fully subsided? Leicester has seen a surge of more than 600 cases in just two weeks, and is confronted with the prospect of an extended lockdown. Expert agencies such as Public Health England are attributing the upsurge to … Read more

As more patients seem to be surviving infection, John Naish asks: has Covid-19 burned itself out?

Nearly three months into Britain’s coronavirus pandemic and death and infection rates are falling steadily.  Elsewhere in the world, in countries that are some weeks ahead of us and where lockdown restrictions have been eased, there are as yet few signs of a dreaded ‘second wave’ – although it is early days. Now some scientists … Read more

We should lift lockdown to help prepare for a more deadly winter second wave, writes JOHN NAISH

Back in November 1918, the San Francisco authorities thought they had beaten the deadly Spanish flu pandemic that had spread across the globe in only a matter of months. Infection levels in the city had peaked, then dwindled to apparent insignificance. At the centre of the city a whistle blew, signalling the official end of … Read more