More people are leaving California than ever before due to wildfires, high costs, and politics

More people are leaving California than arriving as the state reels from devastating wildfires that only worsen by the year, power outages, poor air quality, and a burgeoning cost of living. The California dream may be fading as the idyllic oceanfront state sees warming temperatures, burning blazes, challenges in controlling the coronavirus pandemic, and sky-high … Read more

Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook will ban all new politics ads week before election

Facebook will ban all new political advertisements the week before the election, founder Mark Zuckerberg announced Thursday as part of a series of moves to prevent interference in the November contest. ‘We’re going to block new political and issue ads during the final week of the campaign. It’s important that campaigns can run get out … Read more

Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook will ban all new politics ads week before election

BREAKING NEWS: Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook will ban all new politics ads week before election, remove misleading claims about voting – and flag any attempt to claim victory before results are fully confirmed Facebook will ban all new political advertisements the week before the election Mark Zuckerberg announces series of changes to prevent election interference … Read more

Nearly 80% of Americans think the approval process for a coronavirus vaccine is driven by politics

Nearly 80% of Americans think that the speedy approval process of a coronavirus vaccine is driven by politics – NOT by proof that shots work A new poll found 78% of respondents fear the process for a COVID-19 vaccine approval more influenced by politics than science The response was largely bipartisan with 72% of Republicans … Read more

Meghan Markle will interview co-founder of virtual summit on gender and politics

Meghan Markle will interview the co-founder of nonprofit newsroom The 19th about gender and diversity in the media at a virtual summit – after ‘reaching out’ and asking to be involved Duchess of Sussex, 38, will take part in a virtual summit next week Meghan Markle will interview The 19th* co-founder and CEO, Emily Ramshaw … Read more

Bishops insist politics and religion DO mix as church leaders targeted over Cummings claims

Bishops have defended their ‘grotesque intervention’ into British politics after slamming Dominic Cummings for his lockdown trip to Durham. Rev John Inge, Bishop of Worcester, led the defence of the clergy and said he saw it as a matter of ‘life and death’ that he got involved. He was among a number of religious leaders … Read more

Bishops insist politics and religion DO mix as church leaders targeted over Cummings claims

Bishops have defended slamming Dominic Cummings’ 260-mile lockdown trip and insisted politics and religion mix amid fury at their ‘meddling’ in the scandal. Rev John Inge, Bishop of Worcester, led the defence of the clergy as he said it was ‘a fact’ that the two are linked. He was among a number of religious leaders … Read more

Top medical journal urges voters to pick a president that prioritizes public health over politics

A new editorial published by a prestigious medical journal in defense of the CDC is urging Americans to vote for a president who won’t let partisan politics influence public health decisions.  The Lancet published an editorial Saturday which criticized the Trump administration’s treatment of the CDC and its advice during the coronavirus pandemic.  ‘The Administration … Read more

Female comedians are taking politics to TikTok amid the coronavirus pandemic

Female comedians are taking politics to TikTok amid the coronavirus pandemic – including a drunk Donald Trump and storytime with Boris Johnson. In a series of TikTok videos sweeping the web, women can be seen offering uncanny lip syncs of different political figures, but all with the same voice – a presidential moan or a condescending … Read more

MPs juggle politics with babysitting as they take part in historic first virtual Commons from home

Andrew Gwynne, Labour MP for Denton & Reddish, watching PMQs with one-year-old grandson Lyle It was an historic moment as British MPs sat in a ‘virtual Parliament’ for the first time ever as the coronavirus pandemic rages in Britain. But politicians taking part in Prime Minister’s Questions from the safety and comfort of their own … Read more