RICHARD KAY on the Queen’s decision to ‘downsize’ to a Sandringham farmhouse with Prince Philip

Usually it is the most poignant of departures, but there will be no such wrench when the Queen leaves Balmoral later this month. Her stay in Scotland has been all too brief and stripped of many of the pleasures that make summer days on Royal Deeside so memorable.  Unable to welcome friends and family to stay … Read more

RICHARD KAY on the Queen’s decision to ‘downsize’ to a Sandringham farmhouse with Prince Philip

Usually it is the most poignant of departures, but there will be no such wrench when the Queen leaves Balmoral later this month. Her stay in Scotland has been all too brief and stripped of many of the pleasures that make summer days on Royal Deeside so memorable.  Unable to welcome friends and family to stay … Read more

Windsor Castle workers demand ‘loyalty’ as up to HALF of Queen’s household staff are facing the axe

Workers gathered at Windsor Castle to quietly protest plans to axe up to half of the Queen’s household staff in cuts amid the coronavirus pandemic. Royal Collection Trust staff staged a silent protest outside Windsor Castle on Tuesday over new plans which reportedly see staff facing pension cuts and 200 compulsory redundancies handed out. The … Read more

Thirteen Queen’s guardsmen jailed for attending cocaine-fuelled rave during coronavirus lockdown

Thirteen Queen’s guardsmen are jailed for attending cocaine-fuelled mini-rave during coronavirus lockdown They partied with members of public meaning they broke ‘bubble’ put in place   The Welsh Guards were based at Combermere Barracks in Windsor   It is thought to be largest number of troops jailed for a single crime at same time  By Larisa Brown … Read more

Thirteen Queen’s guardsmen jailed for attending cocaine-fuelled rave during coronavirus lockdown

Thirteen Queen’s guardsmen are jailed for attending cocaine-fuelled mini-rave during coronavirus lockdown They partied with members of public meaning they broke ‘bubble’ put in place   The Welsh Guards were based at Combermere Barracks in Windsor   It is thought to be largest number of troops jailed for a single crime at same time  By Larisa Brown … Read more

Queen’s second cousin Lady Tatiana Mountbatten dines on seafood and sips cocktails on Corfu trip

High flyer! Queen’s second cousin Lady Tatiana Mountbatten sips on cocktails at clifftop bars and dines out on seafood as she shares a glimpse into glamorous trip to Corfu Queen’s second cousin Lady Tatiana Mountbatten, 29, revealed trip to Corfu  Shared a series of Instagram snaps of her glamorous expedition to the country  Royal sipped … Read more

Queen’s performance at Live Aid is voted most iconic festival moment of all time 

1 – Queen, Live Aid. 1985 – 27 per cent 2 – David Bowie, Glastonbury, 2000 – 13 per cent 3 – Kylie, Glastonbury, 2019 – 13 per cent 4 – U2 at Live Aid, 1985 – 12 per cent 5 – Adele, Glastonbury, 2016 – 11 per cent 6 – Jimi Hendrix, Monterey Pop … Read more

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry join a video call with young leaders from Queen’s Commonwealth Trust

Prince Harry has reignited the row over Britain’s colonial history as it emerged today he wanted the organisation to ‘acknowledge the past’, even if it’s ‘uncomfortable’. It is likely to cause a ruckus in the Royal household, with his grandmother the Queen being head of the 54-nation group, and his father Prince Charles to succeed … Read more

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry join a video call with young leaders from Queen’s Commonwealth Trust

Prince Harry has reignited the row over Britain’s colonial history as it emerged today he wanted the organisation to ‘acknowledge the past’, even if it’s ‘uncomfortable’. It is likely to cause a ruckus in the Royal household, with his grandmother the Queen being head of the 54-nation group, and his father Prince Charles to succeed … Read more

It’s claimed the Duke of Sussex called the Queen’s most trusted confidante ‘this woman’

Normally at this time of year, they like to be peering at the night sky, the older woman expertly directing her younger companion to the constellations that shine so brightly above Balmoral Castle in late summer. They are rare moments of tranquillity for the Queen and her long-standing dresser and confidante Angela Kelly, who has … Read more