Coronavirus UK: Indoor mixing could be reintroduced sooner, SAGE suggests

Could Boris have gone even FURTHER? SAGE’s lockdown-easing plan would have let you meet a friend indoors for Easter with Tier 1-esque policies in April… but they warn a third wave is inevitable and relaxing too quickly could cause another 150,000 deaths By Sam Blanchard Deputy Health Editor and Stephen Matthews Health Editor For Mailonline … Read more

Expert suggests huge 82 per cent plunge in cases in just six weeks could be down to herd immunity

What is ‘herd immunity’?  Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection. Effectively, it means that once people have some form of immunity, it reduces the ability of a disease to spread among the population. Therefore someone … Read more

Expert suggests huge 82 per cent plunge in cases in just six weeks could be down to herd immunity

What is ‘herd immunity’?  Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection. Effectively, it means that once people have some form of immunity, it reduces the ability of a disease to spread among the population. Therefore someone … Read more

Mice learned how to be sneaky from living alongside humans, new research suggests 

Mice learned how to be sneaky from living alongside humans, new research suggests Researchers in Germany looked at three populations of house mice for the study Mice which have been with humans longest were best at problem-solving tasks  Tasks included opening lid or window of a Lego house to get a tasty mealworm  By Victoria … Read more

Mice learned how to be sneaky from living alongside humans, new research suggests 

Mice learned how to be sneaky from living alongside humans, new research suggests Researchers in Germany looked at three populations of house mice for the study Mice which have been with humans longest were best at problem-solving tasks  Tasks included opening lid or window of a Lego house to get a tasty mealworm  By Victoria … Read more

Roadmap out of lockdown: Blueprint for UK’s future suggests pubs back in business in May

Leisure businesses may not return to ‘broadly normal’ until July under a roadmap out of lockdown. The blueprint being discussed by ministers and industry leaders would allow restrictions to be eased only at four-weekly intervals. The gradual approach means traders will have to wait until at least Easter – early April – for a limited … Read more

Roadmap out of lockdown: Blueprint for UK’s future suggests pubs back in business in May

Leisure businesses may not return to ‘broadly normal’ until July under a roadmap out of lockdown. The blueprint being discussed by ministers and industry leaders would allow restrictions to be eased only at four-weekly intervals.  The gradual approach means traders will have to wait until at least Easter – early April – for a limited … Read more

Coronavirus: Testing survey suggests headache and tiredness more common than fever

Fever and losing the sense of taste or smell are not the most common symptoms of people who test positive for coronavirus, a testing survey has found.  People infected with Covid in England were more likely to feel fatigued or to develop head or muscle aches. However, current NHS Test and Trace rules mean people … Read more

Coronavirus: Testing survey suggests headache and tiredness more common than fever

Does UK need to overhaul its Covid symptom list? Cough, fatigue and headache are most common signs of illness, study claims – but they aren’t all eligible for swab tests ONS report found fewer than half get symptoms before testing positive Cough is the most common, but fever and anosmia further down the list Headache … Read more

It will take SEVEN YEARS to end the coronavirus pandemic, vaccination calculator suggests

It will take SEVEN YEARS to end the coronavirus pandemic by getting shots in the arms of 75% of the world’s population – but the US could reach herd immunity by the 2022 New Year, vaccination calculator shows At the current pace of vaccination, it will take  seven years for the world to reach herd … Read more