Bats carrying viruses that can lead to an AIDS-like disease threaten to wipe out koala population 

Bats carrying viruses that can lead to an AIDS-like disease threaten to wipe out Australia’s koala population Bats are acting as flying carriers for several viruses that are deadly to koalas The virus can trigger the koala retrovirus called KoRV, which can lead to cancer  Scientists believe this is a greater threat to the koala … Read more

Bats carrying viruses that can lead to an AIDS-like disease threaten to wipe out koala population 

Bats carrying viruses that can lead to an AIDS-like disease threaten to wipe out Australia’s koala population Bats are acting as flying carriers for several viruses that are deadly to koalas The virus can trigger the koala retrovirus called KoRV, which can lead to cancer  Scientists believe this is a greater threat to the koala … Read more

Doctors threaten to stop treating patients over PPE as officials call for ‘adult conversation’

Furious doctors have warned they might be forced to stop treating patients as ministers admitted tonight that a crucial consignment of personal protective equipment has failed to arrive from Turkey.  Medical associations have warned that their members face difficult choices about exposing themselves and other patients to risk of infection, with fears that supplies of … Read more

Doctors threaten to stop treating patients over PPE as officials call for ‘adult conversation’

The NHS Confederation is backing doctors who refuse to treat coronavirus patients with inadequate PPE as the Deputy Chief Medical Officer held up crisis Britain as an ‘international exemplar in preparedness’. Dr Jenny Harries told an ITV reporter that ‘we could perhaps have a more adult, and more detailed conversation about PPE supplies’ as the … Read more

Police threaten man with pepper spray and arrest him for running errands for his mother

A man was arrested and threatened with pepper spray by police officers as he was dropping off food for his vulnerable mother during coronavirus lockdown. Shocking footage shows an officer putting handcuffs on the man for ‘breaking covid rules’ before screaming ‘you’ll be next’ to a bystander in Fallowfield, Manchester. Yesterday’s shocking arrest comes as police forces … Read more

Police threaten man with pepper spray and arrest him for running errands for his mother

A man was arrested and threatened with pepper spray by police officers as he was dropping off food for his vulnerable mother during coronavirus lockdown. Shocking footage shows an officer putting handcuffs on the man for ‘breaking covid rules’ before screaming ‘you’ll be next’ to a bystander in Fallowfield, Manchester. Yesterday’s shocking arrest comes as police forces … Read more

Heathrow bosses threaten staff with the sack if they refuse pay cut

Heathrow bosses threaten thousands of staff with the sack if they refuse to take 15% pay cut during coronavirus crisis Employees at London Heathrow Airport are told to accept coronavirus pay cut  ‘Dismissal and reinstatement might be the final step’ for anyone not agreeing  Human resources chief Paula Stannett sends strongly-worded memo to staff  She … Read more

Police take to streets to stop drivers during lockdown and threaten £960 fines

Home Office reveals new powers to tackle people flouting the coronavirus lockdown  Up to two years in prison if you cough deliberately on someone after spate of attacks on police and emergency service workers People who continue to flout coronavirus lockdown rules will be breaking the law and can be arrested as part of new … Read more

Police take to streets to stop drivers during lockdown and threaten £960 fines

Home Office reveals new powers to tackle people flouting the coronavirus lockdown  Up to two years in prison if you cough deliberately on someone after spate of attacks on police and emergency service workers People who continue to flout coronavirus lockdown rules will be breaking the law and can be arrested as part of new … Read more

Headteachers beg parents to reconsider if they’re a ‘key worker’ as some threaten to SUE schools

Almost all of the UK’s schools have opened to serve coronavirus key workers but it appears many parents heeded the warning to keep their children at home, a survey of 3,500 headteachers revealed today. The National Association of Headteachers has said that less than 20 per cent of all schoolchildren were dropped off today – … Read more