Vanuatu tribe who worship Prince Philip debate replacing him with Charles

A tribe living on a remote South Pacific Island who believe Prince Philip is their god and the incarnation of a volcano spirit may anoint his son Prince Charles as his successor. The tribesmen and women on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu are devastated by his death and have started a three-month ritualistic mourning process. For the … Read more

Socially-distanced Ramadan: Worshippers pray in Mecca after last year saw places of worship closed

Muslims began marking Ramadan with communal prayers on Tuesday in a socially distanced contrast to the empty mosques of a year ago when Islam’s holiest month coincided with the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Pictures last year showed the central courtyard of the Great Mosque of Mecca deserted as Muslims were forced to celebrate Ramadan in … Read more

Socially-distanced Ramadan: Worshippers pray in Mecca after last year saw places of worship closed

Muslims began marking Ramadan with communal prayers on Tuesday in a socially distanced contrast to the empty mosques of a year ago when Islam’s holiest month coincided with the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Pictures last year showed the central courtyard of the Great Mosque of Mecca deserted as Muslims were forced to celebrate Ramadan in … Read more

Britain must go into an ‘Asia-style’ lockdown NOW with places of worship closed, experts warn

Britain must go into an ‘Asia-style’ lockdown now with nurseries and places of worship closed, hotels commandeered as isolation centres and masks worn in every public space, experts have warned. Former WHO director Anthony Costello said only ‘a total clampdown’ would succeed in stopping the mutant strain of coronavirus ripping through the country. Professor of operational … Read more

Britain must go into an ‘Asia-style’ lockdown NOW with places of worship closed, experts warn

Britain must go into an ‘Asia-style’ lockdown now with nurseries and places of worship closed, hotels commandeered as isolation centres and masks worn in every public space, experts have warned. Former WHO director Anthony Costello said only ‘a total clampdown’ would succeed in stopping the mutant strain of coronavirus ripping through the country. Professor of operational … Read more

Church leaders plead directly to Ministers to reopen places of worship for Christmas services

Church leaders plead directly to Ministers to reopen ‘Covid-secure’ places of worship for Christmas services Michael Gove and Robert Jenrick have been handed Faith Task Force dossier It details efforts made to render places of worship safe – and comes as Tory MPs are poised to step up pressure for churches to reopen where safety … Read more

Church leaders plead directly to Ministers to reopen places of worship for Christmas services

Church leaders plead directly to Ministers to reopen ‘Covid-secure’ places of worship for Christmas services Michael Gove and Robert Jenrick have been handed Faith Task Force dossier It details efforts made to render places of worship safe – and comes as Tory MPs are poised to step up pressure for churches to reopen where safety … Read more

Anti-lockdown demonstrators clash with police in Italy and French Catholics demand right to worship

Anti-lockdown demonstrators clashed with police in Italy today while French Catholics demanded the right to worship as Covid protests have broken out across Europe.  Angry protesters faced off with riot officers in Rome this afternoon, shouting and chanting to express their frustration at the latest regional lockdown measures imposed by the Italian government. Meanwhile in … Read more

Anti-lockdown demonstrators clash with police in Italy and French Catholics demand right to worship

Anti-lockdown demonstrators clashed with police in Italy today while French Catholics demanded the right to worship as Covid protests have broken out across Europe.  Angry protesters faced off with riot officers in Rome this afternoon, shouting and chanting to express their frustration at the latest regional lockdown measures imposed by the Italian government. Meanwhile in … Read more

Catholic church slams government for banning communal worship under new lockdown rules

England’s Catholic Church has strongly criticised the Government for banning communal worship in the country’s new lockdown, saying such gatherings have been a great help to the nation’s wellbeing throughout the pandemic. Most religious services are banned under winter lockdown restrictions expected to last throughout November, which were announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on … Read more