Tech Pro Research is now TechRepublic Premium

TechRepublic has relaunched Tech Pro Research as TechRepublic Premium, making it easier for you to access our ready-made policies, templates, and tools.

We’re excited to announce that Tech Pro Research, a joint venture between ZDNet and TechRepublic, is becoming TechRepublic Premium.

If you’re an existing Tech Pro Research subscriber, we’re making it even easier for you to access all our great premium content. Simply log in to TechRepublic with your current Tech Pro Research username and password, and you’re on your way. You can access your TechRepublic Premium downloads and manage your subscription from the “TechRepublic Premium” tab on your TechRepublic Profile page.

If you’re not a Tech Pro Research subscriber, then we’re going to explain how TechRepublic Premium can help you make smart IT decisions and be an innovative IT leader.

TechRepublic has offered a premium subscription product since we launched Tech Pro Guild in 1999, when the offerings included in-depth technical articles, online access to IT books, and printed journals. Yes, back then we still mailed paper journals every month.

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Since it launched 20 years ago, Tech Pro Guild has transformed through a series of changes. We eliminated the paper journals and moved to downloadable documents–causing trees everywhere to rejoice. We expanded our premium content to include ready-made IT policies and ebooks compiled from the best of TechRepublic and eventually from other CBS Interactive websites like ZDNet and CNET. Eventually we fully integrated Tech Pro Guild into TechRepublic, renaming it TechRepublic Pro, and in 2013 we broke it out into a separate site, Tech Pro Research.

What’s never changed is our commitment to helping you get the information you need to solve tough IT problems. And today, we’re excited to announce that we’re making it easier than ever for you to get that information by bringing it back into TechRepublic as TechRepublic Premium.

TechRepublic Premium exclusives

TechRepublic Premium solves your toughest IT issues and helps jumpstart your career or next project. Complex tech topics are distilled into concise, yet comprehensive primers that keep you (and your CEO, CFO, and boardroom) ahead of the curve. Save time and effort with our ready-made policies, templates, lunch-and-learn presentations, and return-on-investment calculators. We have the information, documents, and tools every IT department needs — from the enterprise business unit to the one-person shop —  all in one place.

Original research and exclusive surveys
We survey IT business decision-makers around the globe to learn what matters most. Join TechRepublic Premium to access this rich well of resources. You won’t find our original research reports anywhere else.

Expert analysis from IT leaders
IT leaders have seen it all — join TechRepublic Premium to learn directly from them. Find out what problems executives have dealt with at the top companies in the world, and learn first-hand how they solved those issues.

Custom policies, templates, and tools
Stop wasting time creating new policies and forms from scratch — join TechRepublic Premium and use ours. Our library contains over 100 templates, which are ready for you to customize, as well as handy tools like IT hiring kits.

A full library at your fingertips
Our exclusive, comprehensive eBooks have everything you need to know on the hottest topics, so you can do your job better and more efficiently. Join TechRepublic Premium for the best of both TechRepublic and ZDNet.

SEE: TechRepublic Premium editorial calendar: IT policies, checklists, toolkits, and research for download

More buying options

We’re giving you more choices in how you buy TechRepublic Premium content. You can buy individual items for either $49 or $99, or you can get complete access to our entire library of TechRepublic Premium content for an annual subscription of $299 per year.

We’re extremely proud of TechRepublic Premium, and we encourage you to explore all our Premium content. Once you see all that TechRepublic Premium has to offer, we hope you’ll be hooked. And if you have feedback, don’t hesitate to contact us.