YouTube adds supervised experiences to help parents of teenagers

Believe it or not, there are parents who don’t know they can actually control their children’s online activities. It’s sad but a real kid-friendly digital environment is also not possible if parents don’t utilize the tools available. Google has a lot of products and services ready. There are age-appropriate versions like YouTube Kids instead of the regular YouTube. The Kids app is restricted in many ways and even some parents get annoyed by it so they switch to the original version.

YouTube isn’t exactly evil. If you’re a parent, you can change the privacy settings and set restrictions. If you have tweens or teens, you may check this new option on YouTube that can probably give you more peace of mind.

You can let your growing kid use YouTube as long as supervised. With limited access to YouTube, your children can still learn and be entertained. They can also connect with family and friends as long as within a set of rules.

Supervised experiences on YouTube are possible. They are for the children to learn and create. They resulted from Google’s work with experts and parents in relation to digital literacy, child safety, and child development. The development is still in beta but you’ll soon see what a supervised Google Account is all about.

The early beta can be for families with children under the age of consent. They can test and offer feedback to the developers so they can improve on the experience. The updated YouTube experience will give parents content options.

There will be three different content settings available: Explore, Explore More, and Most of YouTube. Explore is for kids 9 and older while Explore More is for those 13+. Most of YouTube allows most content available except for those that include sensitive topics and age-restricted videos.