Little girl asks Melania if she’s Ruldolph as First Lady answers kids calls to NORAD’s Santa Tracker

A little girl from Texas was left confused this Christmas Eve when she called up the NORAD Santa Tracker and found herself talking to First Lady Melania Trump instead. Melania spent Christmas Eve answering calls from young Americans to NORAD, giving them updates as Saint Nick made his way toward the United States.   In a … Read more

‘Agonising leg cramp interrupts my sleep’: DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions

I am plagued with cramp in my legs at night. I have great difficulty getting back to sleep, and the various medications I’ve been prescribed don’t work. I am desperate for sleep. Maureen Nash, via email. This is not an uncommon condition. Some 40 per cent of adults experience night cramps, resulting in sleep disturbance … Read more

ASK CAROLINE: Our relationships expert Caroline West-Meads answers your questions 

ASK CAROLINE: Our relationships expert Caroline West-Meads answers your questions By Caroline West-meads Published: 00:03 GMT, 13 December 2020 | Updated: 00:03 GMT, 13 December 2020 If you have a problem, email Caroline at [email protected]. Caroline reads all your letters but regrets she cannot answer each one personally  Why do my children dislike each other?    … Read more

‘Why did I suddenly start talking gibberish?’: DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions

Last night, I was reading to my wife and I found it came out as slurred gibberish, which frightened me. It lasted for about five minutes and then my speech returned to normal. Should I be worried? Name and address supplied. When something unexpected such as this happens, understandably you fear that it might happen … Read more

Firefighter sings to a stray cat before and the feline answers ‘meow’ 

Good meow-sic! Firefighter sings a song for a cat before the moggie praises his performance with a meow Footage shows a firefighter in China performing a song for his feline listener When asked if it enjoyed the man’s singing, the moggie replied with a meow  The cat’s crying noise sounds almost identical to the word … Read more

ASK CAROLINE: Our relationships expert Caroline West-Meads answers your questions

ASK CAROLINE: Our relationships expert Caroline West-Meads answers your questions By Caroline West-meads Published: 00:02 GMT, 6 December 2020 | Updated: 00:02 GMT, 6 December 2020 If you have a problem, email Caroline at [email protected]. Caroline reads all your letters but regrets she cannot answer each one personally Her online fling has blindsided me    A … Read more

Save our Vegas wedding! The Holiday Guru answers coronavirus-related travel questions

Save our Vegas wedding! The Holiday Guru answers coronavirus-related travel questions, including this week – will the U.S be fully open to tourists in 2022? By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 21:14 GMT, 3 December 2020 | Updated: 21:45 GMT, 3 December 2020 The Holiday Guru is always on hand to answer your questions. This week, … Read more

How do I stop my excessive drooling? Dr MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions 

For several years I’ve had too much saliva, causing drooling. This is embarrassing but my GP says nothing can be done. Name and address supplied. This must be hard for you but please be reassured there are possible treatments available. Excessive production of saliva, also known as hypersalivation (or in medicine, ‘sialorrhea’) typically causes drooling, … Read more

How do I stop my excessive drooling? Dr MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions 

For several years I’ve had too much saliva, causing drooling. This is embarrassing but my GP says nothing can be done. Name and address supplied. This must be hard for you but please be reassured there are possible treatments available. Excessive production of saliva, also known as hypersalivation (or in medicine, ‘sialorrhea’) typically causes drooling, … Read more

ASK CAROLINE: Our relationships expert Caroline West-Meads answers your questions

ASK CAROLINE: Our relationships expert Caroline West-Meads answers your questions By Caroline West-meads Published: 00:03 GMT, 29 November 2020 | Updated: 00:03 GMT, 29 November 2020 If you have a problem, email Caroline at [email protected]. Caroline reads all your letters but regrets she cannot answer each one personally Grief has left me unable to see … Read more