There will be more than a BILLION CCTV cameras globally by the end of next year, researchers claim

Feeling watched? More than a BILLION CCTV cameras will be in operation around the world by the end of next year, researchers claim, as London comes THIRD in a list of 20 most surveilled cities 18 of the top 20 most surveilled cities in the league table are found in China London came third with … Read more

There will be more than a BILLION CCTV cameras globally by the end of next year, researchers claim

Feeling watched? More than a BILLION CCTV cameras will be in operation around the world by the end of next year, researchers claim, as London comes THIRD in a list of 20 most surveilled cities 18 of the top 20 most surveilled cities in the league table are found in China London came third with … Read more

New £19 billion ‘e-highway’ network with overhead cables for electric lorries

An electric road system which could see a network of overhead charging cables along the UK’s major road network ‘would almost completely decarbonise UK road freight’, a report has found. The plan, which would cost an estimated £19.3billion, would see National Grid powered catenary cables charge 65 per cent of the nation’s lorries using an extendable rig … Read more

New £19 billion ‘e-highway’ network with overhead cables for electric lorries

An electric road system which could see a network of overhead charging cables along the UK’s major road network ‘would almost completely decarbonise UK road freight’, a report has found. The plan, which would cost an estimated £19.3billion, would see National Grid powered catenary cables charge 65 per cent of the nation’s lorries using an extendable rig … Read more

Large companies with no female executive committee members ‘missed out on £47 billion last year’

Want to boost profits? Hire more women! Large companies with no female executive committee members ‘missed out on £47 billion last year’, research claims Research by The Pipeline found 15 per cent of major companies had no women in top roles  Companies with no women on highest committees had net profit margin of 1.5% Percentage … Read more

Large companies with no female executive committee members ‘missed out on £47 billion last year’

Want to boost profits? Hire more women! Large companies with no female executive committee members ‘missed out on £47 billion last year’, research claims Research by The Pipeline found 15 per cent of major companies had no women in top roles  Companies with no women on highest committees had net profit margin of 1.5% Percentage … Read more

Permafrost melt could release 40 BILLION more tons of CO2 into atmosphere than previously thought

Permafrost melt may prompt microbes to release 40 BILLION more tons of CO2 into the atmosphere than previously thought, new study says The study assess the effects of microbes that feed on plant-produced carbon Permafrost melt and warmer temperatures will fuel plant life Increased plant life will cause microbes to respire more CO2 This will … Read more

Fury at the EU summit as leaders discuss Europe’s possible £680 billion Covid rescue fund

EU leaders have agreed a £680billion Covid-19 rescue deal for the bloc after fiery talks where Emmanuel Macron is said to have bashed the table and hit out at Austrian premier Sebastian Kurz for leaving the room to make a telephone call.  The summit is viewed as one of the longest and most ill-tempered in the EU’s history, … Read more

Fury at the EU summit as leaders discuss Europe’s possible £680 billion Covid rescue fund

Fury at the EU summit: Emmanuel Macron ‘slammed the table, lashed out at Austria’s chancellor and compared the Dutch PM to David Cameron’ as Angela Merkel stormed out in frustration at a meeting over Europe’s possible £680 billion Covid rescue fund  Tensions are said to be running high as European leaders meet for EU summit … Read more

How Johnny Depp blew his half billion bounty: Star bought £25,000 of wine every month

Depp explained to the court in London that he had been late to Amber Heard’s 30th birthday party as he was having an important meeting with his advisers. The pair are pictured above in 2011 There has been no shortage of jaw-dropping revelations during the Johnny Depp libel trial.  One disclosure, however, really is a … Read more