Downing Street considers slashing quarantine restrictions for UK passengers

Boris Johnson is considering plans to dramatically slash quarantine restrictions for passengers arriving in the UK amid warnings of the huge damage they are doing to the economy. It comes after MPs and business chiefs told the Prime Minister that the current 14-day self-isolation rules are pushing travel companies and airlines to the brink, crippling … Read more

Downing Street plans new digital ID cards for British citizens

Downing Street plans new digital ID cards for British citizens as Dominic Cummings bids to transform Government’s use of data despite privacy fears People to get online identity that can be used for daily activities like proof of age It comes after issues emerged identifying people during the Covid-19 pandemic Some – such as Tony … Read more

Dozens descend on Downing Street for A-level exam protest demanding Gavin Williamson is sacked

Dozens of protestors attended an A-level results demonstration outside Downing Street calling for the immediate sacking of Gavin Williamson. Students and teachers have demanded for the Education Secretary to be sacked at Friday’s protest over A-level and Btec results in England. The event, supported by several London branches of the National Education Union (NEU), saw … Read more

Downing Street urged to beef up its ‘back to work’ message as firms say they’ll keep staff at home

Downing Street was urged to toughen up its ‘back to work’ message last night after a string of top firms said they would not be encouraging staff back to offices for months.  A Mail audit of big companies found many are not planning for the majority of workers to return to offices until at least … Read more

Downing Street urged to beef up its ‘back to work’ message as firms say they’ll keep staff at home

Downing Street was urged to toughen up its ‘back to work’ message last night after a string of top firms said they would not be encouraging staff back to offices for months.  A Mail audit of big companies found many are not planning for the majority of workers to return to offices until at least … Read more

Downing Street defends choice of chairman of new racial disparity commission

Downing Street has defended the appointment of Tony Sewell to lead the new racial disparity commission, despite his belief that the absence of black fathers is root the cause of knife and gang crime.  Mr Sewell has also previously claimed that evidence of the existence of institutional racism was ‘flimsy’. He was confirmed by the … Read more

Top civil servant quits amid growing acrimony between Downing Street and the Whitehall machine 

Revealed: Top civil servant in charge of Britain’s coronavirus response quits amid growing acrimony between Downing Street and the Whitehall machine Respected mandarin Tom Shinner is the latest high-profile figure to leave  No 10 insiders insisted that Mr Shinner’s job was only a temporary secondment One friend said he was contractually obliged to return to … Read more

Top civil servant quits amid growing acrimony between Downing Street and the Whitehall machine 

Revealed: Top civil servant in charge of Britain’s coronavirus response quits amid growing acrimony between Downing Street and the Whitehall machine Respected mandarin Tom Shinner is the latest high-profile figure to leave  No 10 insiders insisted that Mr Shinner’s job was only a temporary secondment One friend said he was contractually obliged to return to … Read more

London policeman who took the knee outside Downing Street did it because ‘colleagues are not racist’

A London police officer who took the knee outside Downing Street today as thousands gathered in the capital’s streets to protest the death of American George Floyd has revealed he did so to show his colleagues ‘are not racist’. One of the Met Police officers who took a knee during the Black Lives Matter protest revealed: … Read more

London policeman who took the knee outside Downing Street did it because ‘colleagues are not racist’

A London police officer who took the knee outside Downing Street today as thousands gathered in the capital’s streets to protest the death of American George Floyd has revealed he did so to show his colleagues ‘are not racist’. One of the Met Police officers who took a knee during the Black Lives Matter protest revealed: … Read more