The firms set to benefit from government’s £160m wind power pledge  

In his big speech to last week’s Conservative party conference, Boris Johnson promised a ‘green industrial revolution’ to drive Britain’s economic recovery. In pledging £160 million towards wind power, the prime minister made it clear he sees a big future for renewable energy in Britain. And it isn’t just Boris who’s backing wind farms. Across … Read more

SAGE advisor shares comic criticising the Government’s handling of coronavirus

A coronavirus advisor has shared a comic strip criticising the Government amid an extraordinary spat between scientists and ministers. It comes as Number 10 was blasted for not ‘following the science’ after bombshell documents showed ministers shunned a number of recommendations by their expert advisers before unveiling the latest suite of lockdown measures.  Professor Catherine … Read more

Government’s eco grants plan descends onto chaos and confusion

The plan was to give 600,000 households £2 billion to make energy-saving improvements and create work for 100,000 tradesmen.  But the Government’s Green Homes Grant scheme has got off to a stuttering start – with thousands set to miss out thanks to a multitude of problems. The multi-billion-pound scheme, which has been rushed through in … Read more

Government’s obesity crackdown plan to slash sugar by a fifth is set to FAIL with only 3% cut so far

The Government’s goal to cut 20 per cent of sugar from cakes, biscuits and other foods by the end of the year is set to fail because firms have only managed a three per cent reduction so far. Public Health England asked the food and drinks industry to voluntarily slash a fifth of sugar from … Read more

How this part-time teacher fell through the government’s coronavirus income support net

A part-time primary school teacher and entrepreneur from Essex has shared how the spirit of her local community and getting on Instagram helped get her business back on track. Heather Syrett, 28 and from Leigh-on-Sea, runs Leigh Calligraphy which specialises in calligraphy design and workshops. Her passion for the craft started in 2017, when she wanted … Read more

How this part-time teacher fell through the government’s coronavirus income support net

A part-time primary school teacher and entrepreneur from Essex has shared how the spirit of her local community and getting on Instagram helped get her business back on track. Heather Syrett, 28 and from Leigh-on-Sea, runs Leigh Calligraphy which specialises in calligraphy design and workshops. Her passion for the craft started in 2017, when she wanted … Read more

Scottish government’s anti-Covid advert is accused of scaremongering

Frustrated viewers have slammed the Scottish government’s anti-Covid advert and accused it of ‘scaremongering’ after it showed a woman passing coronavirus onto her grandfather. The hard-hitting advert, complete with a horror movie soundtrack, shows the young woman contaminating her grandfather’s kitchen in green slime as she moves around to make him a cup of tea.  The … Read more

Government’s warning of 50,000 cases a day in October is based on few hundred positive cases

The Government’s claim that Britain could face 50,000 coronavirus infections a day was based on studies involving just hundreds of positive cases, it has been revealed, as debate rages over whether Number 10’s restrictions go far enough in stemming the spread of coronavirus. Sir Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty made the stark forecast on Monday, … Read more