Why are GPs STILL refusing to see patients face-to-face?

The shutters are down, doors firmly locked. Laminated signs warn patients not to enter without an appointment.  In some cases, the lights have been switched off since March and the phones ring unanswered. This is coronavirus Britain, where Mail on Sunday readers describe the difficulty of getting a GP appointment as being ‘like breaking into … Read more

How GPs running out of flu jabs makes you fear what might happen with the Covid-19 vaccine 

It’s been billed as the biggest flu vaccination programme in history – the Government’s plan for everyone over the age of 50 to get the jab on the NHS this winter. The aim is to protect 30 million vulnerable Britons – around 10 million more than in previous years – in a bid to avoid … Read more

How GPs running out of flu jabs makes you fear what might happen with the Covid-19 vaccine 

It’s been billed as the biggest flu vaccination programme in history – the Government’s plan for everyone over the age of 50 to get the jab on the NHS this winter. The aim is to protect 30 million vulnerable Britons – around 10 million more than in previous years – in a bid to avoid … Read more

Mass vaccination plan is ‘impossible’ to deliver, GPs warn

NHS England’s mass coronavirus vaccination plan is ‘impossible’ to deliver and gives ‘grossly unreasonable deadlines,’ doctors have warned. Health chiefs hope to begin rolling out a Covid-19 jab in time for December 1 and are preparing more than 1,200 vaccination centres across the UK – most of which will be at large GP centres, it … Read more

Mass vaccination plan is ‘impossible’ to deliver, GPs warn

NHS England’s mass coronavirus vaccination plan is ‘impossible’ to deliver and gives ‘grossly unreasonable deadlines,’ doctors have warned. Health chiefs hope to begin rolling out a Covid-19 jab in time for December 1 and are preparing more than 1,200 vaccination centres across the UK – most of which will be at large GP centres, it … Read more

Women with ovarian cancer can FINALLY be diagnosed with a simple blood test given by GPs 

A simple, widely available blood test given by GPs can accurately tell women they are at risk of ovarian cancer – as well as flagging up other ‘hidden’ tumours in the pancreas, bowel and lungs. The test measures levels in the blood of a protein called cancer antigen 125, or CA125, found on the surface … Read more

GPs could offer Covid vaccine on Christmas and Boxing Day in plan for rapid roll-out to protect NHS

GPs could offer a Covid vaccine on Christmas and Boxing Day in a rapid roll-out plan to protect the NHS, according to a report. Doctors are being readied to inoculate other medics and the most vulnerable Britons seven days a week over midwinter. Health Secretary Matt Hancock will put forward plans next week for dozens … Read more

GPs could offer Covid vaccine on Christmas and Boxing Day in plan for rapid roll-out to protect NHS

GPs could offer a Covid vaccine on Christmas and Boxing Day in a rapid roll-out plan to protect the NHS, according to a report. Doctors are being readied to inoculate other medics and the most vulnerable Britons seven days a week over midwinter. Health Secretary Matt Hancock will put forward plans next week for dozens … Read more