Downing Street rejects anti-lockdown petition by scientists calling for coronavirus herd immunity

Number 10 today insisted it would not be swayed by mounting calls from scientists to stop using lockdowns and let the coronavirus spread among young and healthy people. The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said calls for the UK to aim for herd immunity against Covid-19 would not be heeded by policy-makers. It comes after a … Read more

Coronavirus: Anti-lockdown petition calling for herd immunity reaches 30,000 signatures

Scientists from the world’s top universities have penned an open letter calling for the UK and US to build herd immunity to Covid-19 by letting it spread in young people.  The anti-lockdown petition, signed by almost 30,000 people, warns that tough social distancing rules are having ‘damaging physical and mental health impacts’. Most of the … Read more

Marine experts herd five Northern bottlenose whales out of Scottish loch – before they swim BACK

Marine experts herded a pod of five Northern bottlenose whales out of a Scottish loch ahead of Europe’s largest military exercise this weekend – before they swam back in again.  The mammals have been in the firth of the Clyde for some weeks – attracting much attention when they entered a Greenock harbour last month. … Read more

Herd immunity wouldn’t work without overwhelming the NHS, study finds

Relying on the herd immunity strategy in Britain wouldn’t work because the risk of overwhelming the NHS would be too great, a study suggests. Researchers modelled how the controversial strategy, which was pondered by the UK government in March, would play out in different scenarios. They found letting the virus run rampant with no preventative rules … Read more

Sir Patrick Vallance and Professor Chris Whitty faced backlash over ‘herd immunity’, emails show

Sir Patrick Vallance and Professor Chris Whitty faced backlash asked for help to ‘calm down’ angry academics after facing furious backlash over the ‘herd immunity’ strategy proposed in March, emails show.     The top experts, who’ve been steering Britain through the Covid-19 crisis, were hounded by fellow scientists for comments they made about the controversial strategy at the start … Read more

Sweden’s second wave? Cases rise in Stockholm prompting concerns over supposed ‘herd immunity’

Has Sweden’s second wave begun? Cases rise in Stockholm prompting concerns over supposed ‘herd immunity’ Its chief epidemiologist said new measures for Stockholm could not be ruled out Anders Tegnell also claims success against winter flu has caused high death toll It comes after capital’s top health official warned region has seen surge in cases It … Read more

Sweden’s second wave? Cases rise in Stockholm prompting concerns over supposed ‘herd immunity’

Has Sweden’s second wave begun? Cases rise in Stockholm prompting concerns over supposed ‘herd immunity’ Its chief epidemiologist said new measures for Stockholm could not be ruled out Anders Tegnell also claims success against winter flu has caused high death toll It comes after capital’s top health official warned region has seen surge in cases It … Read more

Expert claims Sweden now has ‘herd immunity’ from coronavirus

Has Sweden beaten coronavirus? Expert claims by refusing to shut the country down the Swedes now have ‘herd immunity’ and have avoided a second wave Sweden was only European nation not to introduce strict lockdown measures  It has been recording its lowest number of Covid-19 cases since start of outbreak It has seen 28 infections per … Read more

SAGE admits Britain hasn’t got herd immunity and calls for policies to slash R rate

Britain does not have herd immunity from coronavirus and must work to keep the R rate below one, top Government scientists warn in newly released meeting minutes.  Blood tests revealed immunity was as low as six per cent in the UK by September 3, with research suggesting this may fall as those that have suffered … Read more

Herd immunity may be closer than thought because antibody surveys ‘dramatically underestimate’ cases

Britain may be closer to herd immunity against Covid-19 than previously thought because surveillance studies are inherently flawed, top scientists said today. According to research looking at antibody test results, just seven per cent of Britons and 17 per cent of Londoners have been infected and recovered from the disease. Experts made these estimates by testing … Read more