Earth’s first mammals lived almost FIVE times longer than modern-day equivalents

Mammals run hotter, use more energy and live shorter lives than reptiles, but it wasn’t always like that, according to a new study. Research has found that the first mammals to ever evolve, around 200 million years ago, were lethargic individuals that moved at a slow pace, like snakes and lizards.  Life in the slow … Read more

New mosasaur species is discovered in Morocco that lived more than 66 MILLION years ago

New mosasaur species discovered in Morocco lived more than 66 MILLION years ago and had a 3-foot long skull with a crocodile-like snout Gavialimimus almaghribensis swam in inland seas over 60 million years ago A three-foot skull and other bones was found in a phosphate mine in Morocco  Its unique gator-like jaw aided it in … Read more

Anglo-Saxon warrior who lived 1,500 years ago is found by metal detectorists

The remains of an Anglo-Saxon warrior dubbed the ‘Marlow Warlord’ who lived during the 6th century AD have been uncovered by metal detectorists. The 6ft-tall warrior had been buried on a hilltop alongside an ornately decorated scabbard, a selection of expensive luxury items, spears and glasses. The pagan burial site had remained undiscovered for more … Read more

Anglo-Saxon warrior who lived 1,500 years ago is found by metal detectorists

The remains of an Anglo-Saxon warrior dubbed the ‘Marlow Warlord’ who lived during the 6th century AD have been uncovered by a metal detectorist. The 6ft tall warrior had been buried on a hilltop alongside an ornately decorated scabbard, a selection of expensive luxury items, spears and glasses. The pagan burial site had remained undiscovered … Read more

People who can afford exciting experiences believe they have lived longer, study reveals 

Studies have shown that wealthy people live longer, but new research suggests it may be their novel experiences that makes them believe they do. A team at the Norwegian University of Science and Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience discovered a network of brain cells that expresses our sense of time within experiences and memories. The … Read more

Centenarian celebrates her 100th birthday in same house where she has lived her entire life

She’s the spritely spinster who is about to celebrate her 100th birthday in the home she has lived in her whole life. Vera Bunting is set to mark her 100th birthday tomorrow in the Lake District home where she has lived since 1921. Her parents moved into the modest three-bed mid-terrace property, in Ambleside, Cumbria, … Read more

Bizarre tusked creature that lived 250 million years ago hibernated through the winter

An ancient tusked creature that lived on Antarctica 250 million years ago was the first known animal to survive by hibernating, according to a new study.  Called Lystrosaurus, it looked like a cross between a giant pig and a lizard and slept for days, weeks or even months on end to get through the long, … Read more

Dog-sized dinosaur that lived 230 million years ago ‘ancestor of Triceratops’

A dog-sized dinosaur that lived 230 million years ago is an evolutionary ‘missing link’ to the horned and armoured giants, according to new research. The diminutive dinosaur is named Sacisaurus agudoensis and is believed to be an  ancestor of Triceratops and Ankylosaurus. Analysis from Brazilian researchers found the Labrador-sized creature fits into the genetic history … Read more

A 15-foot ichthyosaur that lived 240 million years ago died after eating a 12-foot long reptile 

About 240 million years ago a 15ft long dolphin-like sea lizard gorged on a 12ft reptile its bones have have been found in the fossil remains of the giant beast’s stomach.  The exact cause of death is unknown, according to a team from the University of California, Davis, but fossils reveal the predator died shortly … Read more

Angelina Jolie eyes a move with her kids to London suburb where she once lived with ex Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie allegedly still has her sights set on relocating to the UK with her six children that she shares with ex-husband Brad Pitt. The actress and humanitarian, 45, reportedly wants to start anew in Richmond, an affluent suburb in south-west London, where she once lived with Pitt, 56, while filming in England in 2011. Over the … Read more