Mongolia’s nomadic community which eats nothing but meat and milk is one of the last left on earth

These stunning photos show the harsh reality of life for Mongolian nomads who live on the country’s vast steppe.    Hundreds of nomads live in the 340,000 square miles of open grassland, where temperatures regularly drop to -40C (-40F), and subsist off their herds of animals, eating a diet of only milk and meat.  Vegetables are … Read more

Esther DIDN’T deliberately go missing to carry on nomadic life, boyfriend says

The boyfriend of missing British hiker Esther Dingley has dismissed French police claims that she may have deliberately disappeared because she feared her nomadic lifestyle was about to end. A spokesman for Daniel Colegate said ‘there is no indication Esther was seeking a new life’ as new CCTV footage emerged of his girlfriend in a supermarket … Read more

Esther DIDN’T deliberately go missing to carry on nomadic life, boyfriend says

The boyfriend of missing British hiker Esther Dingley has dismissed French police claims that she may have deliberately disappeared because she feared her nomadic lifestyle was about to end. A spokesman for Daniel Colegate said ‘there is no indication Esther was seeking a new life’ as new CCTV footage emerged of his girlfriend in a supermarket … Read more

Pet CATS were living with nomadic cattle herders more than 1,000 years ago

Millions of people today adore their pet cats, and the feline obsession spans back more than a millennium, scientists now believe.  Evidence from the ancient Silk Road reveals domestic cats were kept as pets by nomadic livestock herders more than 1,000 years ago.   Animal bones found in Kazakhstan, along what used to be the vast transcontinental … Read more

Part of China’s Great Wall was built to control nomadic people, study says

‘Genghis Khan’s Wall’ in Mongolia was built to control the movements of nomadic populations, contrary to common belief, a new study claims.  Archaeologists have conducted the first systematic survey of ‘The Northern Line’ – part of The Great Wall that’s located outside China. It has long been believed that this particular section of the Great … Read more

Part of China’s Great Wall was built to control nomadic people, study says

‘Genghis Khan’s Wall’ in Mongolia was built to control the movements of nomadic populations, contrary to common belief, a new study claims.  Archaeologists have conducted the first systematic survey of ‘The Northern Line’ – part of The Great Wall that’s located outside China. It has long been believed that this particular section of the Great … Read more

Adventure travel writer Sadie Whitelocks ventures inside a remote nomadic Mongolian tribe camp

If you’re in the market for an unforgettable eye-opening experience, I can highly recommend randomly meeting a nomadic family in Mongolia and getting a taste of their ancient way of life, which has scarcely changed for thousands of years. I had an encounter with these hardy people last summer while I was on a trip … Read more