London theatre photographer denies 2010 sexual assault of actress

West End theatre photographer, 54, is accused of groping and sexually assaulting an aspiring actress during a £400 photoshoot at his London warehouse 10 years ago Pascal Molliere denies three charges of sexual assault against the same woman He had allegedly arranged a photoshoot with an aspiring actress in July 2010  Westminster Magistrates’ Court heard he … Read more

The stunning winning images from the 2020 Travel Photographer of the Year contest

There was no holding back the world’s finest travel photographers.  Even amid the Covid pandemic they managed to deliver incredible images to the 2020 Travel Photographer of the Year contest. The organisers received 25,000 entries in total from photographers in 147 countries. Some submitted images taken close to home during lockdown, while others photographed countries in which they … Read more

Photographer captures highest resolution shots of snowflakes ever

A renowned photographer has captured the highest resolution shots of snowflakes ever using a homemade prototype described as one part microscope and one part camera.  Nathan Myhrvold, an American scientist, inventor, photographer and ex-chief technology officer of Microsoft, took 18 months to build the 100 megapixel camera capable of capturing a snowflake’s microscopic detail. Using the camera, … Read more

Photographer captures highest resolution shots of snowflakes ever

A renowned photographer has captured the highest resolution shots of snowflakes ever using a homemade prototype described as one part microscope and one part camera.  Nathan Myhrvold, an American scientist, inventor, photographer and ex-chief technology officer of Microsoft, took 18 months to build the 100 megapixel camera capable of capturing a snowflake’s microscopic detail. Using the camera, … Read more

Emotional moment photographer discovers portrait of his mother in forgotten 34-year-old camera roll

Emotional moment photographer discovers stunning portrait of his mother in forgotten 34-year-old camera roll from when his parents were students in Ukraine Bogdan Grygorenko, 33, from Canada, found the  old film roll in family camera He had the film developed and discovered picture of mother Olena from 1986 Picture was taken by Mr Grygorenko’s father … Read more

Trump mob ‘wanted to hang Mike Pence from a tree’ during riot, says photographer 

A Reuters’ photographer covering Wednesday’s riot on the U.S. Capitol has claimed he heard at least three Trump supporters speak about hanging Vice President Mike Pence from a tree as a ‘traitor’. Jim Bourg, the Reuters News Pictures Editor in D.C., tweeted on Friday that he heard ‘many more’ speak about executing Pence as they … Read more

Trump mob ‘wanted to hang Mike Pence from a tree’ during riot, says photographer 

A Reuters’ photographer covering Wednesday’s riot on the U.S. Capitol has claimed he heard at least three Trump supporters speak about hanging Vice President Mike Pence from a tree as a ‘traitor’. Jim Bourg, the Reuters News Pictures Editor in D.C., tweeted on Friday that he heard ‘many more’ speak about executing Pence as they … Read more

Photographer Tamas Rizsavi’s stunning pictures of trains in epic European landscapes

When it comes to creating incredible images of trains, Tamas Rizsavi is definitely on the right track. As is manifestly evident from his breathtaking portfolio. For the past five years, the 29-year-old, from Hungary, has travelled around Europe – sometimes by railway, but also by car and plane – snapping stunning photos of trains in … Read more

Photographer scales England’s highest peak six times to help baby’s fight against genetic disorder

An award-winning photographer has battled hail, freezing rain and 60mph winds to scale England’s highest peak six times in 24 hours in a bid to help a seven-month-old baby’s fight against rare genetic disorder.   Joe Giddens, 33,  decided to attempt the epic challenge on the 3,209ft (978m) Scafell Pike to help seven-month-old Marley Powell, who hasType 1 spinal muscular … Read more

Photographer scales England’s highest peak six times to help baby’s fight against genetic disorder

An award-winning photographer has battled hail, freezing rain and 60mph winds to scale England’s highest peak six times in 24 hours in a bid to help a seven-month-old baby’s fight against rare genetic disorder.   Joe Giddens, 33,  decided to attempt the epic challenge on the 3,209ft (978m) Scafell Pike to help seven-month-old Marley Powell, who hasType 1 spinal muscular … Read more