Researchers harvest people’s mask selfies without consent to improve facial recognition software

Researchers are harvesting people’s protective mask selfies from Instagram without consent to try and use them to improve facial recognition software By James Pero For Published: 20:17 BST, 19 May 2020 | Updated: 20:17 BST, 19 May 2020 Researchers have been harvesting selfies of people wearing protective masks from social platforms like Instagram in … Read more

Magnetic North Police is moving closer to Siberia, researchers reveal 

Magnetic North Police is moving closer to Siberia as two lobes of magnetic force clash near the Earth’s core, researchers reveal Researchers from the UK and Denmark say the pole is moving 37 miles a year Associate professor Phil Livermore says they have not seen data like this before It is caused by shifts in … Read more

Researchers capture musical pulses coming from distant Delta Scuti stars

Researchers capture musical pulses coming from distant Delta Scuti stars and find some appear to HARMONIZE with each other Astronomers measured pulses coming from Delta Scuti stars They found the pulses were unexpectedly musical and some even harmonized The study is the first time harmonies have been measured from Delta Scuti stars By Michael Thomsen … Read more

Coronavirus: Italian researchers claim vaccine neutralises it

Italian researchers have revealed plans to test a vaccine on humans after claiming their jab is the ‘first in the world’ to neutralise the virus. Scientists gave mice the jab – which is being developed by Rome-based Takis Biotech – and took the antibodies they made in response.  Antibodies are substances produced by the immune … Read more

Researchers build the world’s fastest ‘soft’ robot, THREE TIMES faster than the last record holder

Researchers build the world’s fastest ‘soft’ robot, which can travel more than THREE TIMES faster than the previous record holder using movements that mimic a cheetah Researchers at North Carolina State University built a new ‘soft’ robot using silicone bands to mimic the gait of a cheetah  It’s just 2.7 inches long but travels nearly … Read more

Japanese researchers unveil INFLATABLE e-bike that weighs 12 pounds and fits inside a backpack 

Japanese researchers unveil an INFLATABLE e-bike that weighs 12 pounds and can be folded so it fits inside a backpack A team from the University of Tokyo developed a new twist on the electric bike Nicknamed Poimo, the e-bike is built around an inflatable frame  It can be inflated in around a minute and folded … Read more

Researchers uncover MORE evidence that smokers may be protected from the deadly coronavirus

Researchers have uncovered more evidence that smokers could be protected from the deadly coronavirus. Fewer than five per cent of 441 COVID-19 patients who needed to be admitted to an Italian hospital were smokers. The scientists described it as a ‘very low’ number, given that a quarter of the general population are known to be … Read more

Researchers shrink complex brain-reading tech that can take up an entire room to the size of helmet

Mind-reading helmet that picks up brain’s electrical signals to be released this year after researchers shrink complex tech that can take up an entire room Two helmet-sized devices developed by Kernel can read a wearer’s brain activity The device stands in stark contrast to much bulkier brain-scanning machines Kernel says it will be ready to … Read more

Researchers say team of robots could eventually conduct 3,000 COVID-19 tests per day

Researchers say team of robots could help conduct 3,000 COVID-19 tests per day in an effort to speed up virus testing process The lab uses a team of robots to move samples and test them Researchers say the lab will scale up to 1,000 tests per day The tests can be turned around in 24 hours … Read more

Researchers engineer two copies of an antibody produced by llamas which bind to coronavirus proteins

Antibodies from an unusual animal could help scientists develop a treatment against the novel coronavirus, a new study suggests. Researchers found two copies of an immune protein produced by llamas can create a new antibody that binds tightly to part of the surface of the new virus. This part, called a spike protein, is what … Read more