PM says coronavirus is ‘increasingly under control’ ahead of new ‘one-metre plus’ rule

Speaking in No10 this afternoon, Boris Johnson said: ‘The disease is increasingly under control and I just want people to reflect on that important fact.’ Boris Johnson insisted coronavirus is ‘increasingly under control’ today as he prepares to unveil a new ‘one metre plus’ rule within days and give Britons the green light for holidays … Read more

Scientists are ‘totally comfortable’ for Boris Johnson to reduce the 2metre rule to 1metre

The two-metre rule is finally set to be relaxed following a significant lowering of the virus alert level. A Government source last night revealed that scientific advisers were now ‘totally comfortable’ with reducing the restriction – provided other precautions are in place. These could include making sure buildings are properly ventilated, greater use of masks … Read more

Scientists are ‘totally comfortable’ for Boris Johnson to reduce the 2metre rule to 1metre

The two-metre rule is finally set to be relaxed following a significant lowering of the virus alert level. A Government source last night revealed that scientific advisers were now ‘totally comfortable’ with reducing the restriction – provided other precautions are in place. These could include making sure buildings are properly ventilated, greater use of masks … Read more

We won’t wait for Boris on 2-metre rule, says pub boss

A landlord’s revolt swept across Britain yesterday as pub owners vowed to open on July 4 whether the Government relaxes social-distancing rules or not. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said hospitality businesses can reopen after that date if the number of coronavirus cases and deaths in the UK continues to fall. But publicans said they were … Read more

RICHARD KAY and ANDREW PIERCE: The REAL reason Boris Johnson is fearful of ditching two-metre rule

Sitting in his accustomed seat at the middle of the Cabinet table flanked by a handful of socially-distanced ministers, Boris Johnson called for order to enable a figure hovering nearby to speak. Isaac Levido hardly needed an introduction. The softly-spoken 35-year-old Australian was one of the brilliant architects of last December’s decisive general election victories. … Read more

Ditch the two-metre rule now… or face economic disaster, writes Punch Taverns founder HUGH OSMOND 

When it was announced in March, the Government’s Job Retention Scheme was rightly hailed as an unprecedented and inspired policy to save British business. And yet, as the cost of furloughing more than quarter of the entire workforce passes £20billion, and with still no end in sight, I fear it could end up being the most … Read more

Ditch the two-metre rule now… or face economic disaster, writes Punch Taverns founder HUGH OSMOND 

When it was announced in March, the Government’s Job Retention Scheme was rightly hailed as an unprecedented and inspired policy to save British business. And yet, as the cost of furloughing more than quarter of the entire workforce passes £20billion, and with still no end in sight, I fear it could end up being the most … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson ‘hopes’ to change two-metre rule

Boris Johnson signalled tonight he wants the two-metre coronavirus social distancing rule axed as soon as possible as he admitted it was poisoning Britain’s economic recovery. The Prime Minister appealed to the nation for patience as he told anxious workers and business owners ‘we hear you’ as he fronted tonight’s Downing Street press conference. Answering … Read more

Two-metre rule has NO basis in science, leading scientists say amid calls to drop the measure

Britain’s two-metre social distancing rule is based on no evidence, leading scientists have claimed amid mounting calls to drop the measure. Two University of Oxford experts argue there is little proof to support the restriction, after reviewing a World Health Organisation paper on the contentious topic. Of 38 studies, only one looked specifically at coronavirus … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Review of two-metre rule will take ‘weeks’

A decision on relaxing the two-metre rule will take ‘weeks’ and might not come before pubs and restaurants are due to start reopening on July 4, No10 admitted today. Downing Street played down the chances of a swift decision despite warnings a million jobs are at risk unless there is an easing, with mass redundancies expected … Read more