BgX: The app linking households to local pharmacies

CEO Ali Rafi co-founded the bgX app with Paria Ghorashi A delivery app, initially created to service the beauty industry, has been adapted to deliver essential pharmaceuticals during lockdown and to help the most vulnerable. The founder of bgX claims the app – which he describes as the ‘Deliveroo of medicine’ – could also be … Read more

Dentists are begging Government to extend coronavirus support schemes

Seven in 10 dentists will go BUST by August unless Treasury acts now: MPs back desperate plea for financial aid Dental practices across the country were ordered to close their doors when the UK lockdown was imposed in March in response to the coronavirus pandemic Many are not eligible for any of the Government’s financial … Read more

Child’s play? Here’s how one teen boosted his income to over £900 a month teaching people to game 

Ben Noble, 17, earns an income from teaching others to play Rocket League For many parents, the sight of their children playing hours of video games while school is out thanks to the coronavirus lockdown might drive them to despair. However, some children and adults alike are increasingly etching out a career from gaming. One of … Read more

‘When can I reopen my shop?’ Small retailers questions answered

As some large retailers begin reopening stores ahead of a moderate relaxation of lockdown rules, it’s fair to say things are looking a bit brighter for businesses. But small retailers and independent stores lack the big budgets, sizeable staff and space that giant chains have and many are wondering how they can prepare to reopen … Read more

How do online orthodontics work? We investigate  

With Britons told not to go out during lockdown, you would expect people to be less concerned about their appearance but the online orthodontics industry is still growing fast. A spate of new companies offering money-saving at home orthodontic and so-called ‘teledentistry’ treatments have sprung up over the past 18 months or so.  One of … Read more

Bizkids: How to set up a business as a child

Natasha Courtenay-Smith pictured with her children Annelise (7) and Finn (11) initially created the online classes for them and her nephew.  Since the coronavirus lockdown started, many have created free virtual lessons for children.  Topics vary from science to phonics, PE to history – and now, there is one based on entrepreneurship. Serial entrepreneur, Natasha … Read more

Are Britons still up for farm work as farmers cry out for pickers?

Clockhouse Farm’s Oli Pascall launched a video appeal on Facebook that the Kent farm needed workers Supermarket shelves could soon be empty again but this time it will not be down to panic buying, but as a result of the shortage of farm workers to work on British farms. Farmers are in need of between … Read more

YoungPlanet: Could this app help stop toys ending up in landfill?

With Christmas fast approaching, most parents and relatives are in the throes of swallowing a wish list containing the latest toys and gadgets, scratching their heads at just what a L.O.L Surprise! Glamper Playset for £99.99 is.  But this year has seen a green movement in which more Britons are concerned about the environment meaning those … Read more