At-home coronavirus tests may miss infections, study suggests

Tens of thousands of Americans who swabbed themselves for coronavirus testing may have falsely been told they were free of infection, a new study suggests In an effort to expand stunted, lagging testing in the US, the Food and Drug Administration gave the green light for coronavirus testing using samples collected from low down in … Read more

Botox injections don’t just banish wrinkles – they could also help treat depression, study suggests 

Botox injections don’t just banish wrinkles — they could also help to treat depression, a study has suggested.  Experts from the US and Germany mined a database of reported negative side-effects from medication usage, with a focus on patients who had Botox injections. They found patients who had Botox with side effects were 40–88 per … Read more

Even good ventilation removes only 10% of coronavirus particles from classrooms, study finds

Even with good ventilation, only a small fraction of the novel coronavirus may be filtered out from a room, a new study suggests. Researchers have been looking at how the virus spreads indoors and how aerosol particles, which are expelled though breathing and talking, flow through three settings: classrooms, elevators and supermarkets. In one classroom, ventilation … Read more

World’s oldest trees are NOT immortal but just ageing very slowly, study finds 

The world’s oldest trees are not immortal, but just ageing very slowly, a plant biologist has concluded in a new report.  The oldest trees on Earth have stood for nearly 5,000 years and have therefore appeared to hold great promise that some organisms on this planet are eternal.  Biologists have long-wondered to what extent these … Read more

Death rates fell when states closed schools early on in the pandemic, study finds

Coronavirus death rates fell when states closed schools early on in the pandemic, a new study suggests.  Researchers found when K-12 classrooms were shut down, cases temporarily dropped by about two-thirds and deaths decreased by more than half. But states that took action early on saw  the greatest effect, according to the team, from  Cincinnati … Read more

Music lessons do NOT help children’s other areas of study like reading and maths, research suggests 

Music lessons do NOT help children’s other areas of study like reading and maths, research suggests Music lessons do not help children improve cognitive skills for reading or maths Findings come from a review of 54 scientific studies involving 7,000 children  But lessons can improve general intelligence, memory and sound perception By Victoria Allen Science … Read more

Having kids might actually be good for your brain, study claims

Mums and dads over 70 have thicker grey matter in their brains than people who had never had kids, scientists report.   Australian researchers used magnetic resonance imaging to examine differences in grey matter thickness related to parenthood in late life, for both sexes. Grey matter is mostly found on outer-most layer of the brain, or cortex, … Read more

Men over 6ft are TWICE as likely to get infected with Covid-19, study claims 

Tall people could face a greater risk of getting Covid-19, according to research that adds weight to the theory the disease is airborne.  Data from 2,000 people in the UK and US showed men above 6ft were twice as likely to be diagnosed with the coronavirus.  Women also had higher odds if they were over … Read more