Covid UK: London prepares for New Year under lockdown as Trafalgar Square is fenced off

London’s monuments have been fenced off to deter revellers from throwing illegal New Year’s Eve celebrations tonight as the capital city prepares for 2021 under a strict lockdown.  Photos show Trafalgar Square closed off from public access while council officials boarded up Winston Churchill’s statue by Parliament as police threaten to take tough action against Tier … Read more

Trafalgar Square’s Christmas tree is raised into place ahead of virtual lighting ceremony

Trafalgar Square’s Christmas tree was hoisted into place today ahead of the first-ever virtual lighting ceremony amid the coronavirus pandemic. The magnificent Norwegian spruce was transported 700 miles via ship and lorry from Nordmarka Forest in Oslo, Norway, to take pride of place in the capital for the 73rd year running.  Today cranes could be … Read more

Diwali in the age of coronavirus: London’s Trafalgar Square lights up

Millions of devotees from around the world have celebrated Diwali today amid the coronavirus pandemic as British Hindus use video calls and social media to commemorate the festival of lights while the country is in lockdown.  The multi-day holiday, also called Divali and Deepavali, is a Hindu holiday held annually that represents the triumph of … Read more

At least 15,000 people cram Trafalgar Square in rally against lockdown

At least 15,000 protesters have descended on Trafalgar Square and Hyde Park in London as part of an anti-lockdown demonstration. Attendees of the ‘We Do Not Consent’ rally gathered earlier today after a quarter of Britain’s population was put under some form of lockdown. The crowds have been urged to abide by coronavirus restrictions and warned that … Read more

Anti-mask mayhem in Trafalgar Square: Conspiracy theorists clash with police

Hundreds of anti-lockdown protesters including conspiracy theorists have clashed with riot police at a mass rally in Trafalgar Square today organised by opponents of the Government’s coronavirus restrictions.   An army of Metropolitan Police officers moved in on angry demonstrators defying coronavirus laws against mass gatherings as they descended upon Nelson’s column in central London in … Read more

Extinction Rebellion protesters pour fake blood on steps at Trafalgar Square

Extinction Rebellion protesters have doused the steps at Trafalgar Square in fake blood to stand in solidarity with indigenous people dying of Covid-19 in Brazil. The group – also known as XR – dyed London’s iconic fountains bright yellow and red using food dye in their protest to mark International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. … Read more

Extinction Rebellion protesters pour fake blood on steps at Trafalgar Square

Extinction Rebellion protesters have doused the steps at Trafalgar Square in fake blood to stand in solidarity with indigenous people dying of Covid-19 in Brazil. The group – also known as XR – dyed London’s iconic fountains bright yellow and red using food dye in their protest to mark International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. … Read more

Trafalgar Square fountains turn blood red as Animal Rebellion activists pour in dye

Animal rights activists turn Trafalgar Square’s fountains blood red and claim the coronavirus crisis could have been averted by ending the human consumption of meat Animal Rebellion dyed waters of Trafalgar Square’s fountains red today Protesters claim coronavirus crisis could have been prevented by going vegan  Activists are demanding end to ‘climate-destructive and exploitative industries’  By … Read more

Trafalgar Square fountains turn blood red as Animal Rebellion activists pour in dye

Animal rights activists turn Trafalgar Square’s fountains blood red and claim the coronavirus crisis could have been averted by ending the human consumption of meat Animal Rebellion dyed waters of Trafalgar Square’s fountains red today Protesters claim coronavirus crisis could have been prevented by going vegan  Activists are demanding end to ‘climate-destructive and exploitative industries’  By … Read more

Hundreds of Black Lives Matter activists chanting ‘I can’t breathe!’ gather at Trafalgar Square

Black Lives Matter protesters have taken to the streets of London for the second day running in solidarity with those in the US over the death of George Floyd. Hundreds of demonstrators were packed into Trafalgar Square on Sunday, chanting ‘I can’t breathe,’ the words Floyd was heard gasping as a white police officer knelt … Read more