Trump calls WHO ‘China-centric’ and says he might slash funding

Donald Trump takes aim at World Health Organization calling it ‘China-centric’ and says he will consider cutting funding for international body after being criticized for his own coronavirus response President Trump went after the World Health Organization in a tweet Tuesday, calling the international health body too ‘China centric’  Trump said the WHO ‘really blew … Read more

Number 10 thanks Trump for his offer of experimental coronavirus treatment for Boris Johnson

Number 10 has thanked Donald Trump for his offer of experimental coronavirus treatment for Boris Johnson and said officials are in ‘constant contact’ with the US government. The American President said he had told two ‘genius’ drug companies to contact British authorities this morning after hearing the British prime minister had been transferred to intensive … Read more

Donald Trump says Americans are all praying for Boris Johnson

President Donald Trump offered his support for Boris Johnson after the UK prime minister was taken into intensive care in London on Monday.   ‘I want to send best wishes to a very good friend of mine, and a friend to our nation, Prime Minister Boris Johnson,’ Trump said at his daily White House briefing.  ‘We are very … Read more

Donald Trump says he will have MORE coronavirus testing in wake of Boris Johnson being in ICU

President Donald Trump said Monday he may undergo additional tests for the coronavirus after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was moved to intensive care to be treated for the disease. ‘I think we’ll probably have the be quite a few tests. It’s not the worst idea. You know, this system of testing now so quick … Read more

Trump refuses to let Dr. Tony Fauci answer about anti-malarial as a coronavirus treatment 

President Donald Trump stopped Dr. Tony Fauci from answering a question about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in treating the coronavirus as he tried to push a more hopeful message about the pandemic. The president started his daily press briefing on a hopeful note, saying there was a  ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ in … Read more

Trump refuses to let Dr. Tony Fauci answer about anti-malarial as a coronavirus treatment 

President Donald Trump stopped Dr. Tony Fauci from answering a question about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in treating the coronavirus as he tried to push a more hopeful message about the pandemic. The president started his daily press briefing on a hopeful note, saying there was a  ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ – … Read more

Donald Trump tweets tribute to the Queen ahead of her special address to the nation

Donald Trump has praised the Queen as a ‘great & wonderful woman’ ahead of her rare address to the nation tonight over the coronavirus pandemic.  Seeing the news of the monarch’s extremely rare broadcast, the President took to Twitter to share his admiration for the 93-year-old, who will speak to the country in only her … Read more

Trump raises the prospect of lifting the lockdown knowing people will get infected

Donald Trump has raised the prospect of lifting coronavirus lockdowns across the United States, arguing the nation cannot be ‘destroyed’ and ‘we have to get back to work’.   The president’s words during his daily briefing Saturday raise the prospect of reopening businesses and services knowing people will get infected.  Trump said: ‘We have to get back to … Read more

Trump warns America to brace for a ‘lot of deaths’ in the coming week as US virus cases pass 300,000

President Donald Trump warned there will be many American deaths in the coming week in a somber start to his daily briefing on the coronavirus pandemic Saturday at the White House.  Trump predicted that the coming week would be one of the ‘toughest’ weeks the country could face due to the spreading disease.   Confirmed cases of … Read more

Trump warns America to brace for a ‘lot of deaths’ in the coming week as US virus cases pass 300,000

President Donald Trump warned there will be many American deaths in the coming week in a somber start to his daily briefing on the coronavirus pandemic Saturday at the White House.  Trump predicted that the coming week would be one of the ‘toughest’ weeks the country could face due to the spreading disease.   Confirmed cases of … Read more