Coronavirus UK: 2m rule STAYS despite calls for it to be halved

Britain’s two-metre social distancing rule is remaining in place, Number 10 said today – despite growing pressure on ministers to reduce it.  MPs have called for the distance to be loosened in line with other countries such as Germany, to save jobs and allow more businesses to reopen.  If pubs, theatres and other hospitality venues … Read more

Charlotte Church urges parents to keep their children at home

‘Scaremongering’ Charlotte Church is blasted over ‘hatred-inciting’ call for England’s parents to keep children off school in foul-mouthed Twitter rant… despite living in Wales where pupils are NOT returning Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils have all been permitted to return to classrooms from today as part of an easing of Britain’s lockdown But … Read more

Rishi Sunak races to build 100bn job creation scheme amid fears 2MILLION will lose their jobs

Rishi Sunak is racing to build a £100bn job creation scheme amid fears two million Britons will lose their jobs when the furlough scheme ends.   During the Downing St press conference the Chancellor promised to address the looming employment crisis with a scheme to create additional jobs.   Mr Sunak announced that the furlough scheme, which … Read more

Rishi Sunak races to build 100bn job creation scheme amid fears 2MILLION will lose their jobs

Rishi Sunak is racing to build a £100bn job creation scheme amid fears two million Britons will lose their jobs when the furlough scheme ends.   During the Downing St press conference the Chancellor promised to address the looming employment crisis with a scheme to create additional jobs.   Mr Sunak announced that the furlough scheme, which … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Contract tracers say system is a ‘shambles’

With great fanfare, Boris Johnson last week announced a ‘world beating’ army of contact tracers whose job is to stop coronavirus in its tracks. No fewer than 25,000 have been hired. Their mission – to combat coronavirus by sleuthing down every person in danger of contracting Covid from each new case that emerges. On Thursday … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Contract tracers say system is a ‘shambles’

With great fanfare, Boris Johnson last week announced a ‘world beating’ army of contact tracers whose job is to stop coronavirus in its tracks. No fewer than 25,000 have been hired. Their mission – to combat coronavirus by sleuthing down every person in danger of contracting Covid from each new case that emerges. On Thursday … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Firms must pay some furlough costs from August

Rishi Sunak tonight announced that furloughed staff will be allowed to return to work on a part-time basis from July – a month earlier than originally planned.  The Chancellor said firms will soon be able to take advantage of what he described as ‘flexible furlough’ which will enable employees to return as long as companies … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Firms must pay some furlough costs from August

Rishi Sunak tonight announced that furloughed staff will be allowed to return to work on a part-time basis from July – a month earlier than originally planned.  The Chancellor said firms will soon be able to take advantage of what he described as ‘flexible furlough’ which will enable employees to return as long as companies … Read more

BBC will launch official probe into Emily Maitlis’ Dominic Cummings rant

The BBC has accused Emily Maitlis of ‘overstepping the mark’ with her monologue about Dominic Cummings and the ‘blind loyalty’ of his boss Boris Johnson. The corporation has been ‘flooded’ with more than 20,000 complaints about the Newsnight host – but this figures includes thousands of emails from her supporters who feel she has been thrown … Read more

Google releases new AR tool for social distancing

Google unveils new Sodar augmented reality tool that creates a six-foot ring around you on your phone screen to help you follow social distancing rules The ‘Sodar’ tool superimposes a white ring around the user with a 6.5-foot radius This will allow users to more accurately judge who is entering their person space The six-foot … Read more