Labour looks to brandishing Union Jack and dressing smartly to win back voters

Love the Union Jack, respect British veterans and dress smartly: Labour’s secret battle plan for wannabe MPs to retake the Red Wall is leaked A leaked document shows Labour must brandish the Union flag to win voters Researchers found that voters could not decide what or who Labour stands for Labour’s new strategy is based … Read more

First look at new Union Jack number plates as EU flag vanishes from UK cars

First look at new Union Jack number plates as EU flag vanishes from UK cars in the wake of Brexit European Union flags have been removed from new number plates Transport Secretary Grant Schapps tweeted an image of new design for cars Photocard driving licences also no longer display the EU flag, replaced by ‘UK’ … Read more

First look at new Union Jack number plates as EU flag vanishes from UK cars

First look at new Union Jack number plates as EU flag vanishes from UK cars in the wake of Brexit European Union flags have been removed from new number plates Transport Secretary Grant Schapps tweeted an image of new design for cars Photocard driving licences also no longer display the EU flag, replaced by ‘UK’ … Read more

Unite union ‘paid firm owned by leader Len McLuskey’s friend £95 million for a £7m hotel project’

Unite the Union paid a firm owned by a friend of its leader Len McLuskey £95 million for a hotel project that was only supposed to cost £7 million, it has been reported.  Flanagan Group – run by McCluskey’s friend Paul Flanagan – received the money as the primary contractor for the building of a … Read more

Unite union ‘paid firm owned by leader Len McLuskey’s friend £95 million for a £7m hotel project’

Unite the Union paid a firm owned by a friend of its leader Len McLuskey £95 million for a hotel project that was only supposed to cost £7 million, it has been reported.  Flanagan Group – run by McCluskey’s friend Paul Flanagan – received the money as the primary contractor for the building of a … Read more

Gordon Brown: UK risks becoming `failed state´ unless it reforms union

Scotland should be given more political power within the United Kingdom to help see off the threat of independence, former prime minister Gordon Brown claimed today. The ex-Labour leader said that the House of Lords should be replaced with a a Forum of the Nations and Regions that gives the constituent parts of the union a … Read more

Firefighters union ‘delayed volunteering in pandemic because of a health and safety row’ 

Firefighters have been ‘limited and delayed’ in carrying out potentially life-saving work during the pandemic because of a row over health and safety, according to a watchdog. The inspector of fire and rescue services said fire bosses and union officials being locked in lengthy and complicated negotiations about working conditions affected how much firefighters were … Read more

ALEX BRUMMER: Centrica is held hostage by the GMB union

Should your gas boiler break down or there be an interruption to energy supplies in the midst of the bleak winter pandemic, don’t expect an immediate response from your British Gas engineer. At a moment in time when unemployment queues are lengthening, insolvencies surging and the NHS is working to capacity, the GMB union is … Read more

Covid UK: Union wants police vaccinated as officer hospitalised

Police union demands all officers are immediately vaccinated as officer is hospitalised with Covid after patrolling an anti-lockdown protest Dorset Police officer is being treated for a suspected blood clot on his lung The local police federation chair said officers are being ‘put at risk’ Priti Patel promised to prioritise police but has not given … Read more

Fresh free school meals row as union warns poor families will NOT get food over February half-term

Meal scheme will switch for half-term  The free meal system for school pupils will change over the February half term – as the government tries to balance its books by using a different department’s funding for the food. In a switchover that has the potential to spark some administration issues, meals for those that need … Read more