Twitter opens Spaces to Android users ahead of Clubhouse

It’s still a fairly new and still developing market but the so-called “social audio” has so much potential that developers and brands are scrambling to become the next big thing. Clubhouse seems to be paving the way for this segment but it’s still exclusive to iOS devices and is by invite only. Twitter has been pretty public about their roadmap for their Spaces feature and now they’re opening it up to Android devices after a select beta rollout. However, users can only join and talk for now and not create their own.

When Twitter first announced Spaces last year, they only made it available for select iOS users as part of its private beta launch. It was an interesting concept as you could converse with other people in the space but instead of typing out words, you actually talk. Think of it as a video call but without the video. It was a great alternative for those who didn’t have enough bandwidth for video or those who don’t want to be on video at all.

Twitter then shared things about the different things they’re trying out and were getting feedback from actual users and even those who have not been able to use it yet. The various design iterations and prototyping have worked in piquing the interest of people, especially when Clubhouse, the original app that let you have audio conversations on the platform, started gaining traction. Twitter announced during one of their Space conversations that it would be rolling out on Android in March.

Now Android users will be able to listen in on and even talk in any Space that’s available for the public. The tweet says you should watch out for live Spaces about your timeline but it looks like not everyone is seeing it just yet. You also won’t be able to create your own Space just yet. They did promise you will be able to do so “soon” as they’re just tinkering with some things that will let you eventually get the full Spaces experience.

This seems to be a server-side update so if you’re not seeing yet any Space there on your timeline, you’ll have to wait until Twitter finishes rolling out. Let’s see what Clubhouse’s next move will be after this.