China makes robotic dolphins for aquariums after wildlife ban

Lifelike animatronic dolphin pitched as replacement in Chinese aquariums after the country’s recent ban on wildlife trade Special effects designers have created an animatronic dolphin for aquariums The remote-controlled robot is shockingly lifelike but costs $40-$60million They’re being pitched to aquariums in China where wildlife trade is now banned By Michael Thomsen For Published: … Read more

Fugitive tycoon says China bribes Vatican with £1.6n every year

An exiled billionaire has accused the Chinese government of giving the Vatican £1.6billion every year in bribes to prevent it from criticising Beijing’s sweeping clampdown on religions.  Fugitive tycoon Guo Wengui claimed in a podcast that the Communist Party had been paying the Holy See generously since 2014 because Beijing ‘wanted the Vatican to shut … Read more

Plants can absorb tiny pieces of plastic through their roots that stunt their growth

Plants can absorb tiny pieces of plastic through their roots that stunt their growth and reduce their nutritional value, study shows Waste plastic can break down into tiny particles that pollute the environment US and Chinese researchers have shown that these pollutants can get into plants They found that nanoplastics build up in Arabidopsis differently based … Read more

China completes its GPS-rivalling global navigation system Beidou

China launched the final satellite in its global navigation system constellation Beidou earlier today – completing the network six months ahead of schedule. The spacecraft was launched into geostationary orbit on top of a Long March-3B rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center at 02:43 BST this morning. Completing its own global navigation system will allow … Read more

China is one satellite away from launching its GPS rival Beidou

China is due to launch the final satellite in its global positioning system constellation Beidou, allowing Beijing to reduce its reliance on the US-owned GPS system. Beidou will be made up of 30 satellites giving China military independence in terms of navigation and even messaging independent of the US or other nations. The final part … Read more

Toxic man-made mercury pollution is discovered in the deepest part of the ocean

Toxic man-made mercury pollution has been discovered in the deepest part of the ocean, in the Marianas Trench — more than six miles below the surface.  Researchers from China and the US used submarine robots to identify mercury in the fish and crustaceans living in the deepest part of the western Pacific Ocean. Mercury enters … Read more

Nostrils can detect odours independently from one another and can subconsciously guide you

Your nose knows: Nostrils can detect odours independently from one another and can subconsciously guide you to the source of a smell Humans posses both pairs of ears and eyes that let us see and hear ‘in stereo’ Researchers from China set out to find if our paired nostrils play a similar role They gave … Read more

Coronavirus: White House denies ‘kung flu’ shows Trump racism

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Monday defended President Donald Trump’s use of the racist term ‘Kung flu’ to describe the coronavirus, arguing he was merely point to its origins in China. The president has referred to COVID-19 as the ‘China virus’ and the ‘Wuhan virus,’ to describe the disease first detected in China’s … Read more

China culls 1.6 tonnes of bamboo rats bred for their meat

Officials at a Chinese province have reportedly culled more than 1.6 tonnes of farm-bred bamboo rats in one go after the government banned the eating and trading of wild animals in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Chinese bamboo rats, which are linked to coronavirus, have been a sought-after food source in the country for centuries … Read more

Lord Sassoon: Make China rely on OUR key firms

Should Chinese firms be allowed to take charge of building vital parts of Britain’s infrastructure, such as our 5G phone networks and nuclear power plants in Suffolk and Essex? Senior Tories increasingly think they should not. Sceptical MPs believe Britain cannot cede control of such important assets to firms that must ultimately bow to the … Read more