Can you decipher these food anagrams leaving other players hungry for a win? 

Can YOU unscramble these anagrams to get 22 different types of food? Tricky puzzle will put your language skills to the test The English quiz was shared on US-based trivia website Quizly  Can you decipher all the food anagrams correctly, or will you be left unsatisfied? Score full marks by unscrambling the names of these … Read more

Can you decipher these tricky anagrams of famous movie names? 

Can YOU guess the film? Tricky quiz challenges movie buffs to unscramble the anagrams to reveal 16 popular titles Quiz by US-based website Quizly challenges users to decipher film anagrams Each anagram is the name of a famous movie and actors are named as a clue  Do you think you can achieve a perfect score … Read more

Can you decipher these tricky anagrams of famous movie names? 

Can YOU guess the film? Tricky quiz challenges movie buffs to unscramble the anagrams to reveal 16 popular titles Quiz by US-based website Quizly challenges users to decipher film anagrams Each anagram is the name of a famous movie and actors are named as a clue  Do you think you can achieve a perfect score … Read more

Google launches hieroglyphics translator that uses AI to to decipher Ancient Egyptian script

Google has launched a hieroglyphics translator that uses AI to decipher images of Ancient Egyptian script. The new tool, dubbed ‘Fabricius’, uses machine learning to give experts a fast way to decode hieroglyphics by uploading their files. But the tool is available to non-experts as a fun and interactive way to learn about and write … Read more