Adding MSG to nutritious foods without adding salt ‘could encourage healthier eating habits’

Putting MSG in grains and vegetables will improve the flavour and encourage healthier eating as people won’t add as much salt to their food, researchers claim. A new study by researchers from the University of California, Davis, investigated the impact of substituting salt for MSG (or umami seasoning) can have on eating habits. They found … Read more

Woman born without arms has mastered playing the cello and eating with chopsticks using her TOES 

A woman who was born without arms performs everyday tasks with her feet and even eats with chopsticks using her TOES. Inga Petry, 20, from Atlanta, Georgia, does not wear prosthetics because she can dexterously cook, eat, get dressed and apply makeup – with her feet. She was born in Novosibirsk in Siberia with upper … Read more

Eating too much rice increases your risk of dying from heart disease

Eating too much rice could be fatal as low levels of arsenic in the grains can increase your risk of dying from heart disease, study warns Arsenic is naturally occurring in rice as it soaks in to the crop as it is grown   Researchers in the UK studied rice consumption and its role in heart disease  … Read more

Eating too much rice increase your risk of dying from heart disease

Eating too much rice could be fatal as low levels of arsenic in the grains can increase your risk of dying from heart disease, study warns Arsenic is naturally occurring in rice as it soaks in to the crop as it is grown   Researchers in the UK studied rice consumption and its role in heart disease  … Read more

Boy, 14, who died after eating popcorn at cinema, forgot EpiPen

Schoolboy, 14, with dairy allergy died after eating popcorn while watching film with his parents at Odeon Cinema, inquest hears Ruben Bousquet died after eating sweet popcorn while at an Odeon Cinema  Ruben was a promising player in the London Knightz ice hockey team  The boy, aged 14, was allergic to cow’s milk, raw egg … Read more

Boy, 14, who died after eating popcorn at cinema, forgot EpiPen

Schoolboy, 14, with dairy allergy died after eating popcorn while watching film with his parents at Odeon Cinema, inquest hears Ruben Bousquet died after eating sweet popcorn while at an Odeon Cinema  Ruben was a promising player in the London Knightz ice hockey team  The boy, aged 14, was allergic to cow’s milk, raw egg … Read more

PAUL THOMAS on… eating out 

PAUL THOMAS on… eating out to help out By Paul Thomas For The Daily Mail Published: 01:51 BST, 4 August 2020 | Updated: 02:35 BST, 4 August 2020 Advertisement ‘Sorry about the delay with your meals – the chef’s still working from home’ Share or comment on this article:

PAUL THOMAS on… eating out 

PAUL THOMAS on… eating out to help out By Paul Thomas For The Daily Mail Published: 01:51 BST, 4 August 2020 | Updated: 02:35 BST, 4 August 2020 Advertisement ‘Sorry about the delay with your meals – the chef’s still working from home’ Share or comment on this article:

Dog rushed to vets with suspected coronavirus after eating ill owner’s used tissues

A pet dog could be the first in Britain to have contracted coronavirus – after it chewed its owner’s discarded tissues. Mandy Hayes, 60, had all the Covid-19 symptoms and was laid up in bed for weeks with a flaming soar throat, dry hacking cough and lost sense of smell She caught her Alaskan malamute … Read more

Don’t buy into the superfood hype… but eating right CAN reduce your risk of dementia

As a nutritionist, perhaps I’m more acutely aware than most of the often overblown claims made for ‘brain boosting’ foods and supplements. Take oily fish: fantastic, tasty, super-healthy, it almost goes without saying. But browse online and you’ll find no end of articles claiming that eating salmon, mackerel and sardines helps ‘support brain function’ amid … Read more