JANET STREET-PORTER: All I want for Christmas is freedom

Who will control your Christmas? According to a distinguished former Supreme Court Judge, it cannot be left to politicians. Lord Sumption says ‘Christmas is not in their gift – but their re-election is in ours’. He believes we must be allowed to take whatever risks we choose at Christmas, even if it means breaking the … Read more

JANET STREET-PORTER: Washed out Boris may have seen off Burnham but he had better find some b*lls

‘Bambi’ Burnham versus warrior ‘Winston’ Johnson was never going to end well. A bitter face-off between the Mayor of Greater Manchester and the Prime Minister – two giant egos, two men who both dreamt of leading their party – but only one achieved it. North versus South, posh old Etonian versus an ambitious local leader … Read more

JANET STREET-PORTER: Washed out Boris may have seen off Burnham but he had better find some b*lls

‘Bambi’ Burnham versus warrior ‘Winston’ Johnson was never going to end well. A bitter face-off between the Mayor of Greater Manchester and the Prime Minister – two giant egos, two men who both dreamt of leading their party – but only one achieved it. North versus South, posh old Etonian versus an ambitious local leader … Read more

Janet Street Porter says Tier 2 discriminates against single people

Loose Women’s Janest Street-Porter today vented her frustration over Tier 2 rules in London, branding them ‘confusing’ and unfair to single people.   The journalist, 73, said she was ‘fed up’ by the new restrictions, which were implemented at midnight on Saturday, and lack of clarity concerning the new rules. She said she was ‘totally confused’ and … Read more

JANET STREET-PORTER: Keir’s short-sharp shock is better than Southern politicians tearing us apart

The digital paint is barely dry on the multi-coloured PowerPoints and the whacky charts, and already the latest war game from Boris has hit the buffers. Dividing the country into zones designated into one of three tiers (a bit like houses at a particular posh public school) has left us totally confused about who’s in … Read more

JANET STREET-PORTER: We must shut down city pubs if selfish young drinkers can’t keep distance

Pubs are where you meet people and it’s well documented that at least 90% of all relationships start by getting drunk – usually where alcohol is readily available in unlimited amounts.  Was it a smart move by Boris Johnson to reopen pubs and bars as the weather warmed up and the holiday season (at least … Read more

JANET STREET-PORTER: We must shut down city pubs if selfish young drinkers can’t keep distance

Pubs are where you meet people and it’s well documented that at least 90% of all relationships start by getting drunk – usually where alcohol is readily available in unlimited amounts.  Was it a smart move by Boris Johnson to reopen pubs and bars as the weather warmed up and the holiday season (at least … Read more

JANET STREET-PORTER: Prince Andrew is so irrelevant he was invisible at his daughter’s wedding

Prince Andrew is now so irrelevant he was invisible at his own daughter’s wedding but, be honest, ladies – haven’t most middle-aged men outlived their usefulness? We know the Royals don’t do things like the rest of us, but Princess Beatrice’s wedding last weekend was a first. The father of the bride was nowhere to … Read more

JANET STREET-PORTER: Prince Andrew is so irrelevant he was invisible at his daughter’s wedding

Prince Andrew is now so irrelevant he was invisible at his own daughter’s wedding but, be honest, ladies – haven’t most middle-aged men outlived their usefulness? We know the Royals don’t do things like the rest of us, but Princess Eugenie’s wedding last weekend was a first. The father of the bride was nowhere to … Read more