‘Living skyscraper’ made from genetically modified TREES wins architecture design competition 

A team of architects from Ukraine took top prize at a prestigious competition with a concept for a ‘living skyscraper’ shaped out of a grove of genetically modified trees.  Their ‘Living Skyscraper for New York City’ design would mold fast-growing trees into an eco-friendly high rise or office building, with smaller branches forming individual rooms and walls. … Read more

‘Living skyscraper’ made from genetically modified TREES wins architecture design competition 

A team of architects from Ukraine took top prize at a prestigious competition with a concept for a ‘living skyscraper’ shaped out of a grove of genetically modified trees.  Their ‘Living Skyscraper for New York City’ design would mold fast-growing trees into an eco-friendly high rise or office building, with smaller branches forming individual rooms and walls. … Read more

Dark matter does NOT exist, says study that finds ‘modified gravity’ causes the unexplained motion

A new study rivals the decades-long theory that ‘dark matter,’ which is said to exert a gravitational force that causes a strange behavior of stars within galaxies. Dark matter is a name given by scientists to an unknown mass that only interacts with regular matter through gravity and does not emit, absorb or reflect light. … Read more

First genetically modified squids born transparent after scientists ‘knock out’ pigmentation gene

First genetically modified squids are born transparent after scientists ‘knock out’ pigmentation gene in embryos that controls eye and skin cell color Scientists have genetically modified a squid embryo for the first time in history The team  pigmentation genes in a Doryteuthis pealeii, making it transparent This will allow researchers to study the creature’s unique system  … Read more

Zika virus: Florida to release genetically modified mosquitoes

Florida moves forward with contentious plan to release 750million genetically modified mosquitoes to help lessen the spread of disease A biotech firm has been approved to release 750million mosquitoes in Florida They contain a protein that lessens the survival rate of female offspring The team hopes the insects will lower overall mosquito populations and decrease the … Read more

US soldiers hold ‘modified’ military funerals at Arlington Cemetery

Soldiers at Arlington Cemetery wear face masks and mourners observe social distancing at ‘modified’ military funerals so heroes can still be honored during the coronavirus crisis Soldiers gave military honors while wearing face masks amid the pandemic  Military funeral for army veteran was held at Arlington National Cemetery  Modified funeral proceedings in compliance with Sectary … Read more

Coronavirus: Ventilators can be modified to help four patients

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Life on Earth may have started thanks to a modified version of RNA

DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid – is widely known as the molecule found in the nucleus of all our cells that contains genetic information. It is shaped like a double-helix and made of small sections called nucleotides.  Each nucleotide contains a nucleobase, a sugar, and a phosphate group. The sugar component in this particular molecule is … Read more