OPPO slide-phone, music-link concept designs shown off

OPPO may probably borrow OnePlus’ ‘Never Settle’ promo as it is becoming prolific when it comes to concept phone ideas. After the OPPO X 2021 rollable concept device was introduced and then confirmed not to be commercialized, we’re learning about a new design concept. Actually, there are two new design concepts that we don’t think … Read more

Samsung, Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi,and Google working on foldable phones

The year 2021 may be the year when foldable phones will finally get into the market. Sure, we have seen the Royole Flexpai first and then the Samsung Galaxy Fold was soon commercialized last year but the foldable category isn’t really popular, at least, not yet. Other OEMs have joined the game like Huawei and … Read more

Patent for OPPO phone with detachable camera module sighted

OPPO is one of those few innovative OEMs we know that’s been coming up with really interesting designs and technologies. Just recently, it introduced the rollable concept phone. It’s only a concept and it may not be commercialized yet but the prototype shows the industry the many possibilities. The OPPO X 2021 is one innovative … Read more