People capable of unconsciously learning complex patterns have stronger belief in a god 

The why and how the human brain develops religious beliefs may stem from our ability to learn, a new study reveals. Researches found individuals who can unconsciously predict complex patterns in the environment believe there is a god who creates order and intervenes in an otherwise chaotic universe. The study used a cognitive test to … Read more

Stripes and checked patterns repel horseflies

There’s nothing which ruins a picnic quicker than a downpour – or a swarm of uninvited flies joining the feast. But now, experts have discovered a simple solution to this all-too-familiar plague: Sit on a checked picnic blanket. According to the new study, chequered and striped patterns trigger an optical illusion in the eyes of … Read more

Light pollution interrupts the sleeping patterns of magpies and pigeons, study finds

City-dwellers are urged to switch off their garden lamps at night as light pollution interrupts the sleeping patterns of magpies and pigeons Lost sleep can impact a bird’s ability to forage, defend itself and find a mate Experts from Australia measured brain activity in sleeping magpies and pigeons They found light disrupted the animals’ sleep — with pigeons … Read more

MIT invents wireless box monitors the breathing and sleeping patterns of COVID-19 patients at home

As a critical shortage of ventilators looms, New York Governor Andre Cuomo revealed Friday that the state will begin repurposing BiPAP machines to sustain severely ill coronavirus patients.  Last week, the state resorted to converting anesthesia machines to supplement its stockpile of an estimated 6,500 ventilators.  Thursday, Cuomo said he wasn’t sure if BiPAP machines … Read more

Prehistoric humans share migration patterns with HYENAS that left Africa two million years ago

Prehistoric humans share migration patterns with HYENAS that left Africa two million years ago due to climate change Researchers from Denmark found that hyenas underwent complex migrations The team said that humans and hyenas likely coexisted peacefully at first Yet as humans became more evolved the relationship became bad for hyenas  African and Eurasian hyenas … Read more