US claims researchers at Chinese institute fell ill weeks before the world knew of Covid 

The Chinese government is under growing pressure to reveal the true origins of the coronavirus pandemic after US intelligence placed a Wuhan lab at the centre of the mystery.  American Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology fell ill with Covid-like symptoms in autumn 2019 – weeks before the … Read more

Third homegrown coronavirus variant found in U.S. as researchers say first emerged in Texas in MAY

BREAKING NEWS: Third homegrown coronavirus variant is found in the U.S. as Illinois researchers say it first emerged in Texas in MAY A third homegrown variant of the coronavirus has been found in the U.S. Illinois researchers say the earliest appearance of new variant, called 20C-U, was in Texas in May 2020 The variant has … Read more

British researchers unveil Covid test that gives results in FIVE minutes

Researchers at the University of Birmingham say they have developed a Covid test that delivers results in just five minutes. The development, hailed as a world first, could be the breakthrough to help get crowds back to sporting events and festivals this summer.  It is on course to be fully tested and ready by Easter, … Read more

British researchers unveil Covid test that gives results in FIVE minutes

Researchers at the University of Birmingham say they have developed a Covid test that delivers results in just five minutes. The development, hailed as a world first, could be the breakthrough to help get crowds back to sporting events and festivals this summer.  It is on course to be fully tested and ready by Easter, … Read more

Salesmen with beards close the deal more often, researchers find 

If you want to make your Christmas bonus next year, you might want to put down that razor. A new study finds consumers are more likely to trust a salesman with a beard than a clean-shaven mustachioed, or stubbly worker. Facial hair on male sales workers increased perceptions of expertise and trustworthiness, researchers found, which … Read more

Coronavirus pandemic could set cancer researchers back by 18 MONTHS

Coronavirus pandemic could set cancer researchers back by 18 MONTHS in a blow to major advances in fighting the disease Advances in cancer research are likely to be delayed by an average of 17 months Survey of researchers shows the impact that the pandemic has had on their work Those polled said they lost an average … Read more

Coronavirus pandemic could set cancer researchers back by 18 MONTHS

Coronavirus pandemic could set cancer researchers back by 18 MONTHS in a blow to major advances in fighting the disease Advances in cancer research are likely to be delayed by an average of 17 months Survey of researchers shows the impact that the pandemic has had on their work Those polled said they lost an average … Read more

Researchers hack a robotic vacuum cleaner to record speech remotely 

Scientists have found that robotic vacuum cleaners could allow snoopers to remotely listen in to household conversations, despite not being fitted with microphones.  US experts found they can perform a remote eavesdropping attack on a Xiaomi Roborock robot cleaner by remotely accessing its Lidar readings – which helps these cleaners to avoid bumping into furniture.  Lidar … Read more

Arthritis drug ‘cuts elderly Covid-19 deaths by two-thirds’, say researchers

Arthritis drug ‘cuts elderly Covid-19 deaths by two-thirds’, say researchers – raising hopes that it will save the most vulnerable Daily drug reduces deaths by 71 per cent in those with moderate or severe illness Drug baricitinib, marketed as Olumiant, has only been available for three years  Medics hope the arthritis drug could help save most … Read more

Bamboo-like sticks could be useful in orthopaedics, researchers say 

A bamboo-like wood could help repair damaged bones. The material, rattan, has a honeycomb-like core, much like real bone, making it an ideal material for use in orthopaedics, say researchers who are carrying out two clinical trials across Europe. Bone defects — gaps in bone tissue — can be caused by surgery to remove bone … Read more