JEFF PRESTRIDGE: FCA stuck in lockdown over Woodford saga

JEFF PRESTRIDGE: The FCA is stuck in lockdown over the Woodford saga By Jeff Prestridge for The Mail on Sunday Published: 22:31 BST, 10 April 2021 | Updated: 22:58 BST, 10 April 2021 Another week goes by and yet again there is more depressing news on fallout from the demise of the Woodford investment empire.  … Read more

Suez Canal backlog is CLEARED: More than 400 supertankers stuck in shipping traffic jam are freed

Egypt’s Suez Canal Authority said on Saturday that a shipping traffic jam of over 400 tankers caused by a giant container vessel getting stuck on the crucial waterway for almost a week has been cleared. Traffic on the canal, a conduit for over 10 percent of world trade, had begun moving again on Monday evening … Read more

Covid lockdown UK: Volunteer fined £200 after delivering gifts to villagers stuck indoors

Volunteer, 59, is given £200 Covid fine two months after hand-delivering gifts and letters to villagers stuck indoors due to the pandemic as part of scheme personally praised by Boris Johnson John Bradshaw, 59, was fined £200 by police for breaching Covid-19 regulations Volunteer was hand-delivering gifts and letters to Endon villagers stuck indoors Mr … Read more

AstraZeneca chief stuck Down Under in race back to UK

AstraZeneca boss returning to Europe from Australian home as he battles public relations crisis over firm’s Covid vaccine Pascal Soriot has spent three months Down Under, where his family lives, after spending Christmas there  He remained in Sydney due to lockdown restrictions even as his UK company became embroiled in its row with the EU … Read more

Suez Canal: Satellite image reveals extent of traffic jam behind stuck ship

Satellite images taken above the Red Sea have revealed the extent of the traffic jam building up behind the cargo ship that has lodged itself in the Suez Canal.  Some 200 vessels are now backed up at either end of the narrow waterway, waiting for the stricken Ever Given – a container ship as long … Read more

Suez Canal: Satellite image reveals extent of traffic jam behind stuck ship

Satellite images taken above the Red Sea have revealed the extent of the traffic jam building up behind the cargo ship that has lodged itself in the Suez Canal.  Some 200 vessels are now backed up at either end of the narrow waterway, waiting for the stricken Ever Given – a container ship as long … Read more

Two wild elephants stuck in a ditch cleverly work together to help each other climb to safety

The Great Escape: Two wild elephants stuck in a ditch in Thailand cleverly work together to help each other climb to safety Elephants became trapped in dried-out river in Thailand’s Rayong province Over the course of an hour the elephants worked together to get back to safety Adorable moment they climbed free was filmed by … Read more

Suez Canal: Grounded ship could be stuck for weeks, rescue chief admits

The giant cargo ship wedged across the Suez Canal is blocking shipments worth an estimated $9.5billion per day including food and oil which will have an ‘enormous’ impact on the world economy, experts have warned.  At least 150 ships are now stuck in the logjam caused by 200,000-ton cargo ship Ever Given which ran around … Read more

Suez Canal: Grounded ship could be stuck for weeks, rescue chief admits

A giant cargo ship blocking the Suez Canal could be stuck for weeks, an expert brought in to help with the rescue has admitted, as the number of vessels backed up behind the stricken ship hit 150. Peter Berdowski, CEO of Dutch company Boskalis which has been tasked with assisting the rescue, compared the ship … Read more

Mexican burglar gets stuck in railings trying to flee a crime scene

I’m a criminal, get me out of here! Bungling ‘burglar’ gets his head stuck in railings for two-and-a-half hours while trying to flee The thief was attempting to burgle a house in Morelia, Mexico on Monday  Police waited more than two-and-a-half hours before rescuing the burglar  The criminal was handcuffed after he was rescued from … Read more