Uber can KEEP its London licence after court ruling

Uber will be granted a new licence to operate in London after a judge ruled today that the firm was ‘fit and proper’ to work in the capital despite ‘historical failings’. Transport for London had denied the ride-hailing app a licence in November 2019, citing breaches which compromised passenger safety and issues with transparency. But … Read more

Uber makes London a ‘safer place’, court hears

Uber makes London a ‘safer place’, a court has heard as the taxi app battles against TfL for its licence to be renewed.   The ride hailing app, which first operated in London in 2012, has admitted ‘mistakes were made’ in the identity fraud scandal that allowed 24 bogus drivers to take 14,788 rides. It is appealing Transport … Read more

No wonder they want to stay at home! Commuters are saving £250 a month by staying away

Commuters are saving £250 a month by working from home as the rail industry makes use of a £3.5 billion Government subsidy. Despite ministers urging Britons to return to their offices to save the high street, recent Department for Transport figures show National Rail passenger journeys at the start of September hovering around 30 per cent … Read more

No wonder they want to stay at home! Commuters are saving £250 a month by staying away

Commuters are saving £250 a month by working from home as the rail industry makes use of a £3.5 billion Government subsidy. Despite ministers urging Britons to return to their offices to save the high street, recent Department for Transport figures show National Rail passenger journeys at the start of September hovering around 30 per cent … Read more

Transport for London offer ‘first trip for free’ deal to lure Londoners back into the city centre

Transport bosses are considering offering Londoners a free trip into the capital in an attempt to stimulate the economy. The First Ride Free scheme is being considered by Transport for London (TfL) to let the public see that it is safe to enjoy the centre of the capital. It is deemed the public travel equivalent … Read more

Extinction Rebellion activists hold dinner party in SEA off Essex

Extinction Rebellion activists today dressed up as banshees to protest the construction of a new tunnel that it believes is ‘racist, colonial and unjust’. Eco-warriors rallied outside the TfL headquarters in Stratford, East London, in a show of anger at the forthcoming twin-bore road, which will pass under the Thames from Silvertown to Greenwich. The … Read more

Extinction Rebellion activists hold dinner party in SEA off Essex

Extinction Rebellion activists today dressed up as banshees to protest the construction of a new tunnel that it believes is ‘racist, colonial and unjust’. Eco-warriors rallied outside the TfL headquarters in Stratford, East London, in a show of anger at the forthcoming twin-bore road, which will pass under the Thames from Silvertown to Greenwich. The … Read more

Ghost town London’s £5.7BILLION black hole: Taxpayers face bill as lost fares leave TfL £3.5bn short

The coronavirus pandemic has left the Greater London area with an estimated £5.7billion black hole in its public finances – after the lockdown and work from home economy sapped £575million a day from the capital’s economy in a £66.9billion hammer blow. Now taxpayers face having to pick up the bill for the lost revenue in … Read more

London bus drivers say TfL is BANNING them from forcing passengers to wear face masks

Transport for London has been accused of banning bus drivers from forcing passengers to wear face masks despite it being made compulsory two weeks ago. Workers claimed they have been threatened with discipline if they try to enforce the rule despite them being at high risk of contracting coronavirus. TfL hit back saying staff had not … Read more

Police say they HAVE fined Tube passengers without face masks

Police insist they have fined Tube passengers for travelling without face masks, despite Transport for London saying rule-breakers were being given time to ‘understand’ the new rules. It emerged yesterday that commuters were avoiding penalties for failing to wear face coverings on the London Underground – even though the rule came into force nearly two weeks … Read more