Now that’s a whopper! Six-year-old boy catches his first fish – and it’s as big as him 

Now that’s a whopper! Six-year-old boy catches his first fish – and it’s as big as him Drayden Nelson was ice fishing with his family on the Kotzebue Sound in Alaska  The six-year-old made his first catch while fishing through a hole in the ice  His father Stephen helped Drayden land the giant fish which … Read more

Liars start to mimic the actions of their interviewers when spinning a huge whopper, study finds 

How to tell if someone is lying to you: Watch to see if they mimic your actions Researchers used motion capture technology to monitor volunteer movements  They had people tell the truth and increasingly complicated lies to interviewers As the lies became more complex the liars began to mimic interviewer motions This suggests that we … Read more

Liars start to mimic the actions of their interviewers when spinning a huge whopper, study finds 

The ultimate ‘tell’: Liars start to mimic the actions of their interviewers when spinning a huge whopper, study finds Researchers used motion capture technology to monitor volunteer movements  They had people tell the truth and increasingly complicated lies to interviewers As the lies became more complex the liars began to mimic interviewer motions This suggests … Read more