Coronavirus: Mixing and matching Pfizer and AstraZeneca jabs ‘could worsen side effects’

Mixing and matching Covid vaccines could lead to more side effects, scientists say. British guidance says people should be given two doses of the same jab because of a lack of data on alternating doses. But there are ongoing trials of giving one type for the first dose and a different type for the second, … Read more

Trigger warnings on TV shows may worsen bad memories, study claims

Warning messages at the beginning of TV programmes can make traumatic memories worse, a new study warns.  In experiments, Australian researchers discovered that trigger warnings made the emotional impact of being reminded of a traumatic event worse.    Warning messages may not adequately prepare people to recall a negative experience, but may instead prolong bad memories, … Read more

More than 74 MILLION Americans are living in areas of drought – and experts warn it could worsen

Crops die and wildfires risk increases as almost 50% of the US and 74 million people experience drought – and experts warn conditions are only going to get worse Approximately 44% of the US in experiencing some level of drought  Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Colorado and California are ‘severe to exceptional’ These stats had experiencing major droughts … Read more

Climate change could worsen allergy season by up to 60 per cent, new model predicts 

Bad news for hay fever sufferers: Climate change could worsen allergy season by up to 60 per cent, new model predicts Experts studied pollen levels and weather conditions in Europe over decades  They found rain and air temperature before pollen season were key indicators  They can inform just how severe the pollen and allergens are … Read more

Migrant who crossed into Texas from Mexico warns flood of asylum seekers will continue to worsen

A migrant who crossed into Texas from Mexico has warned that the flood of asylum seekers will only continue to worsen under Joe Biden’s relaxed immigration policies.   The migrant, who was not named, spoke to Fox News on Friday in El Paso after being apprehended by Customs and Border Protection (CBP).   Asked if he believes … Read more

Migrant who crossed into Texas from Mexico warns flood of asylum seekers will continue to worsen

A migrant who crossed into Texas from Mexico has warned that the flood of asylum seekers will only continue to worsen under Joe Biden’s relaxed immigration policies.   The migrant, who was not named, spoke to Fox News on Friday in El Paso after being apprehended by Customs and Border Protection (CBP).   Asked if he believes … Read more

NHS may have to start using beds in CARE HOMES if pressure continues to worsen

NHS hospitals may have to start transferring patients to care homes if coronavirus keeps piling pressure on their wards, a senior health official warned today. Chris Hopson, chief of healthcare union NHS Providers, warned that some hospitals are almost full already and looking for beds elsewhere for their patients. ‘They know there is some spare … Read more

NHS may have to start using beds in CARE HOMES if pressure continues to worsen

NHS hospitals may have to start transferring patients to care homes if coronavirus keeps piling pressure on their wards, a senior health official warned today. Chris Hopson, chief of healthcare union NHS Providers, warned that some hospitals are almost full already and looking for beds elsewhere for their patients. ‘They know there is some spare … Read more

Britain’s Covid outbreak continues to worsen with another 33,364 cases

Britain’s Covid outbreak continues to worsen with another 33,364 cases as officials record 215 more deaths Data shows daily infections have risen 64.7% in a week, with today’s figure up from the 20,263 last Monday Deaths are still stable, however, with today’s fatality count being 7.3 per cent down on last week’s 232  It comes … Read more

Ibuprofen and naproxen ‘may worsen Covid-19’, study warns

Ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory painkillers could make hospital patients with coronavirus more likely to die, according to a study.  South Korean research looking at deaths and complications in Covid-19 patients suggested the common painkiller drugs raised the risk of death by 65 per cent. And the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may push up the risk of … Read more