Wuhan biosafety expert admits widespread security and maintenance concerns

Wuhan biosafety expert admits widespread security and maintenance concerns at China’s top-secret labs which carry out research on lethal diseases Pressure was last night building on Beijing following the leak of a bombshell intelligence dossier which accuses China of having lied about Covid-19 The dossier, which has been circulated between Western governments including Britain, also … Read more

Wuhan biosafety expert admits widespread security and maintenance concerns

Wuhan biosafety expert admits widespread security and maintenance concerns at China’s top-secret labs which carry out research on lethal diseases Pressure was last night building on Beijing following the leak of a bombshell intelligence dossier which accuses China of having lied about Covid-19 The dossier, which has been circulated between Western governments including Britain, also … Read more

Health expert explains why getting 10 minutes of sunshine every day could help against coronavirus

Health expert explains why getting just 10 minutes of sunshine every day could make you less vulnerable to COVID-19 – with low vitamin D levels increasing the risk of lung infections Doctor Rachel Neale believes getting sunlight can reduce the risk of COVID-19 Sunlight makes the body to produce vitamin D, which boosts the immune … Read more

Sweden’s virus expert is so popular that people are getting his FACE as a tattoo

Down at the Tudor Arms last week, regulars toasted their good fortune, happy to be in one of the last pubs on Earth still open. There were endless pints of Guinness and London Pride bitter, while rules about not standing at the bar and ensuring a 5ft distance between tables were scrupulously observed.  Unsurprisingly, Covid-19 … Read more

Sweden’s virus expert is so popular that people are getting his FACE as a tattoo

Down at the Tudor Arms last week, regulars toasted their good fortune, happy to be in one of the last pubs on Earth still open. There were endless pints of Guinness and London Pride bitter, while rules about not standing at the bar and ensuring a 5ft distance between tables were scrupulously observed.  Unsurprisingly, Covid-19 … Read more

ASK ZELDA: Our relationships expert Zelda West-Meads answers your questions

ASK ZELDA: Our relationships expert Zelda West-Meads answers your questions By Zelda West-Meads YOU for The Mail on Sunday Published: 00:02 BST, 26 April 2020 | Updated: 00:02 BST, 26 April 2020 If you have a problem, email [email protected]. Zelda reads all your letters but regrets that she cannot answer them all personally I want … Read more

FDA expert warns the US could run out of researchers to run coronavirus drug trials

There are more than 70 trials for treatments for coronavirus happening in the US, and the race for a therapeutic leave labs shorthanded of researchers, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) official has said.  ‘Although we may not run out of patients, unfortunately, we may run out of research personnel and time availability to do … Read more

Swedish expert says a coronavirus lockdown may not have saved lives

A lockdown might not have saved lives in Sweden because half its coronavirus deaths are in care homes where visits are already banned, the country’s top disease expert said today. State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said it was ‘hard to understand’ how a full-scale lockdown would have stopped the virus spreading into nursing homes.  While Sweden … Read more

Sleep expert reveals EXACTLY what happens to your body when you oversleep

A sleep expert has revealed exactly what happens to your body when you over-sleep or sleep for longer than ten hours – and it’s bad news for your concentration, mood, performance and waistline. Sydney-based Olivia Arezzolo said while we often talk about the detrimental effect of too little sleep, it is possible to clock one too … Read more

Sleep expert reveals EXACTLY what happens to your body when you oversleep

A sleep expert has revealed exactly what happens to your body when you over-sleep or sleep for longer than ten hours – and it’s bad news for your concentration, mood, performance and waistline. Sydney-based Olivia Arezzolo said while we often talk about the detrimental effect of too little sleep, it is possible to clock one too … Read more