Pollster who predicted president’s 2016 victory says there are more shy Trump voters than last time

As most major national polls show Joe Biden with a commanding lead over Donald Trump going into Election Day, a small group of pollsters have cautioned that ‘shy’ Trump voters could pave the president’s way to victory.    Among those suggesting that the Trump’s prospects are being understated is Robert Cahaly of The Trafalgar Group, one … Read more

Pollster who predicted president’s 2016 victory says there are more shy Trump voters than last time

As most major national polls show Joe Biden with a commanding lead over Donald Trump going into Election Day, a small group of pollsters have cautioned that ‘shy’ Trump voters could pave the president’s way to victory.    Among those suggesting that the Trump’s prospects are being understated is Robert Cahaly of The Trafalgar Group, one … Read more

CDC director says more than 90% of US susceptible to COVID-19 but vaccine predicted by spring 2021

The majority of Americans are vulnerable to contracting the novel coronavirus, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Wednesday. Dr Robert Redfield was testifying during a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee hearing when he revealed most of the US population is at risk of falling ill with … Read more

£1billion saving predicted as firms are stopped from charging existing customers more than new ones

Is this the end of insurance rip-off? £1billion saving predicted as firms are stopped from charging existing loyal customers more than new ones  The Financial Conduct Authority announced that insurers would not be allowed to charge loyal clients more than new ones  The FCA found insurers were making it harder for customers to stop automatic renewals … Read more

iPhone 12 may NOT launch at Apple event tomorrow: iPad Air and Watch Series 6 predicted

Apple may break from tradition and delay the announcement of its next generation iPhone 12 until October due to coronavirus and travel restriction delays. The firm is holding a virtual event from Apple Park in Cupertino, California from 18:00 BST on Tuesday where new devices and services are rumoured to be revealed. Rumours suggest that … Read more

Ford Sierra RS500 Cosworth predicted to sell for close to £100,000

Fast Fords have become big business on the classic car market, and this 33-year-old example could be sold for a whopping amount of money when it goes under the hammer later this year. Values of the Sierra RS500 Cosworth have sky rocketed in recent years, with adoring – and ageing – boy racers looking to … Read more

Credit card and loan borrowing is predicted to fall by a record amount

Experts said Britain’s borrowing habits ‘will have changed permanently’ as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, after forecasts estimated credit card and loan borrowing would fall by record levels this year. Demand for consumer credit would fall 15.9 per cent and Britain’s unsecured debt pile would not recover to 2019 levels until 2022, according to … Read more

Scottish exams scandal: Students WILL get predicted grades

Tens of thousands of Scottish pupils will get exam results based on their predicted grades after Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish government completed an embarrassing U-turn.    Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP administration bowed to pressure to alter course over a ‘standardisation’ system designed to tackle the fact that no exams have been sat due to coronavirus. The process was … Read more