Soapwatch: JACI STEPHEN’S ultimate insight into this week’s soaps

The return of old characters is a familiar ploy when a show wants to inject new life into the drama yet with a breath of familiarity. EastEnders has done it with Grant (several times) and, more recently, Sharon.  One of Emmerdale’s greatest successes has been another return of Kim, who turned up as if she … Read more

Soapwatch: JACI STEPHEN’S ultimate insight into this week’s soaps

Soapland’s love scenes have taken on a strange look. Because of social distancing, characters cannot be seen to be frantically ripping off each other’s clothes, jumping into bed, kissing, or any other variant of what they used to do in the old days. Corrie’s Alina and Tyrone have fallen in love behind closed doors; EastEnders’ … Read more

Soapwatch: CLAUDIA CONNELL’S ultimate insight into this week’s soaps 

Soaps have done their best to reflect real life during the pandemic. Characters wear masks, there are NHS posters on display, and vaccinations get discussed.  Understandably, they had to ignore the most recent closure of pubs since residents spend 90 per cent of their lives in one. Another area where they’re reflecting real life is … Read more

Soapwatch: CLAUDIA CONNELL’S ultimate insight into this week’s soaps

The breakneck speed with which characters go from regular person leading a normal life (well, by soap standards anyway) to criminal mastermind has always required a stretch of the imagination. One minute EastEnders’ dishy-but-dim Kush was flogging tat on a market stall in Albert Square, the next he was getaway driver for a disastrous Mitchell … Read more

Soapwatch: JACI STEPHEN’S ultimate insight into this week’s soaps

The complex relationships between parents and children have been brilliantly explored in EastEnders recently – Jean and Stacey, Suki and Ash, Lucas and Chelsea (which had me in tears). These relationships are so tricky, it’s a wonder parents don’t look into selling their kids on eBay: ‘Brunette, nasty temperament, prone to murder’ (Tracy, Corrie). ‘Youngish … Read more

Soapwatch: JACI STEPHEN’S ultimate insight into this week’s soaps

Why is there so much thuggery in soapland at the moment? After a terrible year and the depression Covid inflicted on us all, can’t we see some nice fluffy bunny rabbits, puppies and kittens to cheer us all up? But no. EastEnders has brought us creepy Caleb, as well as a violent group of alleged … Read more

Soapwatch: JACI STEPHEN’S ultimate insight into this week’s soaps

There are very few beverage choices in soapland in times of stress. What did Corrie’s Leanne say to Simon, after Nick accused him of upsetting Sam? ‘Si, I’ve made a brew.’ That’s pretty much all she does now, but have you ever seen her fill a kettle? Emmerdale has taken to brew-making with the same … Read more

Soapwatch: CLAUDIA CONNELL’S ultimate insight into this week’s soaps

This is the week that people attempt to stick to the resolutions they’ve made. If there’s one change I’d advise all the residents of soapland to make, it would be to adopt a better work ethic. In today’s climate these people are lucky to even have jobs, but they spend most of their time slacking … Read more