Google Maps app puts restaurants with delivery upfront so people know where to eat during lockdown

Google tweaks Maps app to highlight restaurants offering delivery options so people know where to order food during lockdown The tweak puts shortcuts on the home screen of the app to find delivery options It’s live on Android and iOS in the UK, US, Netherlands, and France Easier ways to find delivery could help local … Read more

NHS-backed ‘heat map’ app reveals communities ignoring social distancing

A new coronavirus heat map shows that Middlesbrough has the worst offenders when it comes to flouting the ‘stay at home’ rules during the coronavirus crisis.  The ‘COVID-19 heat map’ from Evergreen Life, the NHS-backed personal health record app, shows people in the North Yorkshire town have been going outdoors the most.  Ryedale in North … Read more

Coronavirus symptom app suggests that 1.9 MILLION Brits could have Covid-19

Data gathered by a new specially-designed symptom tracking app suggests there are currently 1.9 million people aged 20-69 in the UK who have symptomatic Covid-19. Contributors can track their daily health on the specially-created app, which is also being used by healthcare and hospital workers nationwide. It comes as the UK today announced yet another … Read more

Facebook launches standalone Messenger desktop app for Mac and Windows

July 2019: Facebook data scandal: Social network fined $5bn over ‘inappropriate’ sharing of users’ personal information March 2019: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg promised to rebuild based on six ‘privacy-focused’ principles: Private interactions Encryption Reducing permanence Safety Interoperability Secure data storage Zuckerberg promised end-to-end encryption for all of its messaging services, which will be combined in … Read more

Apple could release a camera app that SPEAKS to help the visually impaired snap the perfect photo

Apple could release a camera app for its iPhone that SPEAKS to help those who are visually impaired snap the perfect photo Apple’s new patent will help those visually impaired take pictures with an iPhone The camera app analyzes the scene and tells users where the faces  It determines if the camera is not level … Read more

Apple buys Dark Sky weather app and plans to shut down Android version

Apple buys Dark Sky weather app and plans to shut down the version on rival Android By Daily Mail City & Finance Reporter Published: 21:50 BST, 1 April 2020 | Updated: 23:09 BST, 1 April 2020 Weather app Dark Sky, known for its precise location weather forecasts,has been bought by Apple Apple has bought weather app … Read more

Zoom video-calling app does NOT use end-to-end encryption

Popular video conferencing app Zoom used by millions working from home during the coronavirus pandemic is misleading users about its security, a report claims.  According to tech-orientated investigative news site The Intercept, Zoom claims to secure calls with end-to-end encryption, the industry gold standard for privacy.  This feature is used by secure messaging platforms to … Read more

Apple buys weather app Dark Sky and will kill off Android version

Apple will kill off the Android version of the Dark Sky weather predicting app after purchasing the company for an undisclosed amount.   While there will be no change to the iOS version of the app, the Android version is no longer available to download and will be shutting down on July 1.  Dark Sky for … Read more

Zoom video-calling app does NOT use end-to-end encryption

Popular video conferencing app Zoom used by millions working from home during the coronavirus pandemic is misleading users about its security, a report claims.  According to tech-orientated investigative news site The Intercept, Zoom claims to secure calls with end-to-end encryption, the industry gold standard for privacy.  This feature is used by secure messaging platforms to … Read more

AI-powered app analyzes the user’s voice to determine if they are infected with the coronavirus 

Americans are increasingly being spotted wearing face masks in public amid the coronavirus pandemic, as are people are around the globe. Soon, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may advise all Americans to cover their faces when they leave the house, the Washington Post reported.   The agency is weighing that recommendation after initially … Read more