Biden promises 100 million vaccines in his first 100 days and pleads for 100 days of mask-wearing

Joe Biden vowed Tuesday that he would get 100 million coronavirus vaccines distributed to Americans within his first 100 days in office, claiming he will make it a requirement to wear a mask for those 100 days anywhere he can legally order it. ‘This team will help get at the latest – at the last … Read more

Care homes will be vaccinated against Covid by Christmas, Matt Hancock finally promises

Coronavirus vaccines will be rolled out in care homes before Christmas, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has promised. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) put care home residents at the top of its priority list for the jabs. But they were not among the 5,000 or so Britons who were vaccinated today as the … Read more

Tier system could be scrapped in NINE WEEKS: Boris Johnson promises Commons vote in the new year

The coronavirus tier system could be scrapped in just nine weeks after Boris Johnson promised a commons vote in the new year in a bid to head off a Tory backbench rebellion. The Prime Minister has written to Conservative MPs offering them a second vote on the coronavirus tier system early next year, having angered ome of … Read more

Tier system could be scrapped in NINE WEEKS: Boris Johnson promises Commons vote in the new year

The coronavirus tier system could be scrapped in just nine weeks after Boris Johnson promised a commons vote in the new year in a bid to head off a Tory backbench rebellion. The Prime Minister has written to Conservative MPs offering them a second vote on the coronavirus tier system early next year, having angered ome of … Read more

Xbox Series X and S review: Deliver on promises but lack imagination

Microsoft has recently launched the Xbox Series X, the latest high-end iteration of its famed gaming console, and the Series S, its digital-only baby brother.  On the surface, there are some obvious and simple differences between the two, the X is more expensive, black, and has twice as much internal memory.  But they both pack a … Read more

TONY HETHERINGTON: Post Office’s empty promises

TONY HETHERINGTON: The Post Office is shamed by its empty promises on travel insurance refunds By Tony Hetherington, Financial Mail on Sunday Published: 21:52 GMT, 7 November 2020 | Updated: 21:52 GMT, 7 November 2020 Tony Hetherington is Financial Mail on Sunday’s ace investigator, fighting readers corners, revealing the truth that lies behind closed doors … Read more

Mi Smart Upgrade plan promises the newest Mi, Redmi phones

Xiaomi India has recently made an important announcement. Those who have their Xiaomi and Redmi smartphones will be glad to know their next upgrade is assured. The Chinese OEM has introduced “Mi Smart Upgrade”. It is a special program that lets consumers to easily upgrade to the latest model. It includes easy enrolment process that … Read more

Huawei HiCar display runs HarmonyOS, promises unified in-car ecosystem

Despite being in turbulent waters, Huawei is going full throttle with its vision. The HiCar app as an alternative to Android Auto is gaining momentum already with more than 20 OEMs and 150 vehicles testing the app, with plans to get the app pre-installed on more than 5 million vehicles by the end of 2021. … Read more

Boris Johnson promises ‘massive’ expansion of one-hour rapid turnaround tests

Boris Johnson last night promised a ‘massive’ expansion of rapid turnaround tests in an effort to reduce the prevalence of the virus. The Prime Minister announced plans to draft in the Army to oversee the roll-out of tests for ‘whole cities’ within days to ‘drive down the disease’. Fast turnaround tests, which have been trialled … Read more

Boris Johnson promises ‘massive’ expansion of one-hour rapid turnaround tests

Boris Johnson last night promised a ‘massive’ expansion of rapid turnaround tests in an effort to reduce the prevalence of the virus. The Prime Minister announced plans to draft in the Army to oversee the roll-out of tests for ‘whole cities’ within days to ‘drive down the disease’. Fast turnaround tests, which have been trialled … Read more